Faculty: Economical Science
Speciality: Management of innovative activity
A question of management of innovations in general and a question of marketing of innovations at the enterprises in particular substantially are enough discussed in the foreign and domestic scientific literature. Theoretical problems of interdependence of development of market economy and innovations were investigated by such scientists, as A.I.Anchishkin, L.L.Antonjuk, S.Borras, I.M.Budnikevich, S.V.Valdajtsev, S.J.Glazev, G.A.Krajuhin, B.Lundvall, B.Santo, B.Tviss, N.A.Frolova, I.M.Shkola, J.Shumpeter, M.Huchek. The considerable payment in working out of the theory of innovations, their influences, on development of marketing strategy was brought by I.Ansoff, V.P.Barancheev, D.I.Barkan, O.A.Vinogradov, N.P.Goncharova, S.D.Ilenkova, S.M.Illjashenko, J.V.Karakaj, V.J.Kardash, F.Kotler, N.V.Kudenko, K.S.Kurochkin, Z.Lamben, N.N.Molchanov, A.F.Pavlenko, E.G.Panchenko, A.I.Panzhar, P.G.Pererva, E.V.Redzjuk, E.O.Utkin and other scientists.
By the current moment are deeply enough developed theoretical and methodical base of a control system of marketing of innovative activity of the enterprises in the conditions of dynamic change of an external environment which is connected with certain subjectivity of definition of concept of an innovation, maintenances of innovative activity as object of business, formation of organizational-economic mechanisms of management by marketing of innovations at the enterprises, and also statements and decisions of problems of formation of their innovative marketing policy.
Working out of theoretical principles, models and mechanisms of management of innovative activity of the enterprises in modern conditions, and also a substantiation of organizational-economic bases of realization of the concept of innovative development requires in workings out of marketing strategy of the enterprises concerning creation and realization of innovative projects for efficient control innovative process at the enterprises.
Absence of the solution of many specified and other theoretical and methodical problem questions of marketing of innovations at the enterprises of Ukraine have caused a theme choice.
The purpose of my degree works are the further development of theoretical bases and working out of methodical recommendations concerning formation of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise.
For achievement the object in view is defined and soluted following scientific and applied problems:
- Different concepts concerning definition of concepts "innovation", "marketing", "system" are investigated and founded the necessity of the system approach to introduction of marketing of innovations at the enterprise are investigated;
- Parameters and stages of innovative process and their identity to processes of marketing activity are defined;
- The complex model of system of marketing maintenance of innovative process and directions of its application in practical activities is developed;
- The characteristic of basic elements of system of marketing of innovations is resulted and is given the recommendation concerning their due application;
- Founded the necessity of the system approach to marketing researches of the target markets and formation of the price for the new goods by working out of innovative projects;
- The concept of system of marketing of the innovative project of the concrete enterprise to work up the regional market is formulated;
- The model of system of marketing commercialization of innovations is developed.
Object of research is process of formation and improvement of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise. An object of research are main principles and methods of formation and introduction of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprises. Research methods. In work are set lots of general scientific and special methods which are applied in knowledge of social and economic processes and the phenomena is used, namely: scientific generalization, comparison, the system analysis, – for specification of essence of concepts of an innovation; and also by consideration of methodological principles of working out of innovative strategy and preparations of innovative projects of the enterprises for their commercialization; general scientific abstraction, an induction and deduction, the analysis and synthesis, – by working out of offers concerning application of procedures of marketing in an estimation of commercial potential of innovations of the enterprises; The vertical, horizontal, graphic, tabular analysis – by working out of the concept of system of marketing of the innovative project for it commercialization in the markets of Ukraine.
The information base of research was made by the proceedings of foreign and Ukrainian economists devoted to marketing of the enterprises, the analysis of marketing activity, to strategic management and planning, innovative management, marketing of innovative processes. In work the analytical and information materials published in the Ukrainian and foreign periodical press are used, as well as the materials given by computer network Internet.
In the introduction the theme urgency, essence, a condition of a scientific problem, formulated the purpose, the task, definitely object, a subject and research methods is opened.
In section 1 «General-theoretical bases of formation of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise» are submitted the review of proceedings of domestic and foreign scientists concerning economic essence of marketing of innovations, the concept of terms "innovation", «marketing of innovations» and "system" is specified, the essence and the maintenance of innovative process as to object of marketing is established. It is considered main principles and features of formation of system of marketing at the enterprise.
During research it is revealed that for effective realization of each stage of an innovative cycle and innovative process the effective system of marketing as a whole is necessary. The analysis of scientific concepts of understanding of essence of innovations and their principles has given the chance to define a role and a marketing place in innovative processes, and also to separate such functions of the organization of interaction of executors at practical realization of scientific idea on the basis of marketing maintenance, as: oral explanations which are the best means of distribution of full understanding of innovations among consumers; explanations of concepts which will help consumers to understand new characteristics of concrete products; search of people which form thought in the given branch, and in an ideal directly acquaint potential clients with innovations.
Marketing of innovations at the enterprises should be understood as complex use of principles and methods of marketing for the purpose of creation at the enterprises of necessary conditions for search of productive changes, their realization, distribution and commercialization. Results which are received in work, allow to notice that the system of marketing of innovations shows complex system of marketing «4л taking into account specificity of an innovative product. Marketing of innovations is necessary for considering as the tool which is directed on realization of potential and achievement of efficiency of the innovations focused on requirements of consumers.
Section 2 «Development of the theory of formation of system of marketing of innovations at the enterprise». Objective necessity of application of methods and principles of marketing for commercialization of innovations causes requirement of formation of effective system of marketing of an innovative product.
During work was founded presence of the offered elements of system of marketing of innovations, their main objectives, problems and the appointment everyone of them at introduction of innovations are considered. Yes, within system of marketing of innovations, the basic differences of an innovative product taking into account its specificity are considered, the technique of the analysis of market condition of innovations is resulted, theoretical aspects of formation of system of marketing communications of an innovative product are resulted, existing techniques of an establishment of the price for an innovation for the purpose of the maximum satisfaction of requirements of consumers and maintenance of profit of the enterprise are considered. Also each of noted elements is analysed, is given the recommendation concerning sphere of their appendix at the enterprise.
In section 3 «Formations of marketing system of commercialization of innovations on Open Society "Ãàçîàïïàðàò" are stated scientifically-practical offers and recommendations concerning an estimation of efficiency of innovations, estimations, their commercial potential; the made proposals concerning directions of improvement of organizational forms of government marketing of innovations at the enterprise.
In connection with specificity of an innovative product and complexity of forecasting of the future demand for it, the enterprise faces a problem of an establishment of the price for an innovation. Therefore during work existing techniques of formation of the price for innovations are analyzed and improved, the algorithm of pricing on Open Society "Ãàçîàïïàðàò" innovation is resulted.