Faculty of Economic
Speciality: Management of innovative activity
Introduction (Motivation)
Information is the article of administrative labour. Increase of competitiveness of the Ukrainian enterprises can be well-to-do only on the basis of acceleration of innovative processes which must provide the cost-effective use of innovations as new technologies, types of products and services, organizationally-technical and socio-economic decisions of production, financial, commercial, administrative or other character. Realization of these tasks is possible only at presence of necessary amount of financial resources.It requires the deep analysis of sources of financing and selection only that of them, which can provide a maximally effective innovative process. By the questions of theoretical bases financing of innovations in Ukraine related to the names of domestic and foreign specialists. A considerable deposit was brought in by scientists-economists: Druker П., Santo Б., Tvyss Б., Foster, Frymen To., Shumpeter And. and other The questions of classification of sources of financing, development of state support, development of the venture financing, require clarification in also time. A strategic management needs to be chosen very carefully.Urgency of subject
Increase of competitiveness of the Ukrainian enterprises can be well-to-do only on the basis of acceleration of innovative processes which must provide the cost-effective use of innovations as new technologies, types of products and services, organizationally-technical and socio-economic decisions of production, financial, commercial, administrative or other character. Realization of these tasks is possible only at presence of necessary amount of financial resources.It requires the deep analysis of sources of financing and selection only that of them, which can provide a maximally effective innovative process. Scientific, theoretical essence of innovative management of both effective constituent of the hierarchical system of strategic management, found a reflection in many researches of both foreign and domestic authors: I.Ansoff, O.S.Vikhanskiy, M.V.Volodkina, A.S.Galchinskiy, V.M.Geyc, L.E.Dovgan, P.Druker, V.D.Nemcov, V.S.Ponomarenko, M.Porter, V.P.Seminozhenko, A.Striklend, A.Tompson, A.Chendler, Z.E.Shershneva, O.M.Yastremskiy et al. Ukrainian school of strategic management of innovations develops actively, which leading economists-theorists and practices enter in the complement of: A.V.Grinev, B.M.Danilishin, V.Ya.zaruba, Yu.b.ivanov, S.M.Illyashenko, E.V.Krikavskiy, P.A.Orlov, P.G.Pererva, A.A.Sadekov, A.I.Yakovlev et al. Innovations and innovative processes in a modern economy carry out a deciding role in the question of acquisition and support of strong sides of enterprise in competitive activity. The innovations and attitudes toward them to a great extent determine position as large companies so small enterprises, including beginners.The practical value of Masters work
Necessity of development proper in theory methodical stipulated providing of these scientific tasks choice of research theme and stipulated his actuality. Purpose and research tasks. The primary purpose of work consists in development of theoretical strategic government innovative activity bases, ground and development of methodical approaches and practical recommendations, in relation to application of his instruments the Ukrainian enterprises.For gaining end a necessity there is a successive decision of such tasks: • opening of essence and determination of role of strategic management innovative activity in development of economic relations on the modern stage; • to probe the features of innovative activity on the enterprises of Ukraine; • an evaluation of basic theoretical problems and improvement of mechanism of functioning of innovative management is in the structure of strategic management; • determination of main progress of innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine trends; • to define efficiency of adjusting and stimulation of development of innovations in the real sector of economy; • to define the main terms of forming of new innovative policy in the real sector of economy; • to develop directions of development strategy of management innovative activity of enterprise; • to perfect procedure of evaluation of efficiency of strategic management innovative activity in the real sector of economy of Ukraine; • perfection of methodical approach in relation to the evaluation of investment attractiveness of enterprises as instrument of strategic management.Object and article of research
A research object is innovative processes in the Ukrainian economy. The article of research is principles and methods of strategic management innovative activity on enterprises. Methodological principles of research. The theoretical base of work are ob''ektivni laws and fundamental positions of economic theory, theories of innovative and strategic management, scientific labours of domestic and foreign scientists.For achievement of the put purpose necessary is the use of such scientific methods:• theoretical generalization, high-quality analysis and synthesis, analysis of the systems, statistical and graphic methods, simulation techniques, and cross-correlation regressive an analysis. Informative base of research: legislative acts of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, statistical information of the State committee of statistics of Ukraine, special economic literature, materials of scientific and practical conferences, background papers, publications of magazines.Opened there are the questions of completion of researches and developments begun in days gone by and economic confusions unfinished on the known reasons. Among such developments there are those, which own the practically assured efficiency of the subsequent industrial use. Therefore the innovative financing of leading to to readiness to introduction of the uncompleted researches and developments would follow to examine by important reserve of technological progress and economy growing.Realization of innovations in Ukraine related to possibilities of receipt of necessary financial resources, among which it is possible to select the following: personal funds of enterprise; budgetary appropriations; facilities of the special vnebyudzhetnykh funds of the NYOKR financing; credit resources and foreign investments. Special influencing on the influx of private investments in the innovation is played by more universal measures of the macroeconomic adjusting is rate bank percent, level of taxation of income of enterprises and profits of citizens, amount of bet of tax on the security-related and other operation Venture investments are the investments directed directly in equity of organizations in an exchange on action of these organizations. The venture investing in Ukraine is carried out not enough actively. The financial risk of venture investor can justify the only proper reward, under which understand a return on the inlaid capital above the average level. However much low liquidity of venture capital investments comes forward a negative factor, as there is no trust to the companies in the world markets and absence of experience of acquisition of companies by major concerns. Innovative processes are provided by realizations of high-quality changes in production and economic activity. The result of innovative processes are innovations, and introduction them in economic activity acknowledged an innovation. Innovative processes take beginning in the certain areas of science, and completed in the field of production, due to what progressive changes are carried out in an economy. On an enterprise both public requirements which swim out from the primary purposes of national economy and results of fundamental scientific researches, progressive experience serve as impulses of introduction of innovation in industry of technology and organization of production, modern forms of menage. Before development and introduction of innovations a competition induces in the conditions of market economy. Lag in innovative processes negatively influences on efficiency and competitiveness of enterprise and even can result in bankruptcy. Innovative processes also can be explained as a process of accumulation and practical realization of new scientific and technical knowledges, as integral cyclic system "science-technique-production", which engulfs fundamental theoretical researches, applied research works; mastering of technical innovations in the conditions of practical entrepreneurial activity during set time; economic and social senescence, permanent replacement new, by more effective standards. All these stages together are continuous, operate constantly, that in same queue, provides permanent development of enterprises. These forms find the reflection in innovative processes. The specific of world economy influences on innovative processes: the revolutionary changes took place in the field of global facilities of communications. Modern information technologies decreased the necessity of physical contacts between the subjects of market, that substantially reduced the charges of service. By principal reasons of origin and distribution of innovations followings: • competitive activity: desire to score competition advantages and maksimizuvati income at the market; • growing demand of user; • growth of technical potential; • search of decision of problems which arise up in economic activity; • necessity not to fall behind in economic development, not lose a market share, follow by other enterprises which inculcate new technology; • desire to improve results in activity of enterprise; • support and providing of prestige of enterprise; • realization of knowledges and increase of prestige of enterprise; • intuitional picture that an innovation can improve activity of enterprise; • advices of consultants in any period of reorganization of enterprise; • scientific openings; • invention. Estimation of situation, which was folded in domestic practice of strategic management, rotined that most enterprises are not spared the special attention own innovative strategies. The economy growing in Ukraine the last years took place mainly without substantial innovative achievements. Therefore the increase of level of innovative development must be realized on the basis of clear the formed plan of actions.On an enterprise must the factors of forming of strategic management innovative activity be: growth of influence of innovations on the indexes of the economy growing; change of pattern of production in the direction of increase of part of naukoemkoy products and sphere of business services; capacity of personnel for progress; activation of international scientific and technical cooperation. Therefore, if we understand the innovation as process, we must acknowledge the presence of forces of resistance to this process, designating them, although in the first approaching, in economic interpretation. Importance of this action is dictated by the necessity of construction of effective constructions of the innovative process control system. Strategic control includes the estimation of efficiency of strategy of enterprise and marketing audit or revision. Strategic control is guilty carried out at the level of all enterprise. A marketing audit shows by itself complex, system, impartial and regular research of marketing environment of enterprise, his tasks, strategies and operative activity, with the purpose of exposure of nascent problems and possibilities which are opened, and delivery of recommendations, in relation to the plan of operating under perfection of marketing activity.Literature
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Managment.Com Стратегическое управление: искусство завоевания возможностей