Introduction gives general characteristics of the paper such as justification of problem topicality, definition of research tasks and objectives, explanation of the research novelty and practical significance. It also presents results of approbation and implementation of key ideas.
Àctuality of research topic. The conditions of enterprises activity on the market require making optimal administrative decisions about determination of production volumes, selecting of markets for realization products , what foresees efficiency of the use of all resources types, their optimal structure which financial results and financial state of enterprise depend on. A market requires the rapid reacting on changing of economic situation, connected with the use of resource potential, and his influence on the financial state of enterprises.
The problems of analysis method of potential were explored by the scientists of Fedonin A., Repina I., Aleksyuk A., Blagun I., Rybalko A., Stolyarov V., Lyubenko N., Gorodyanskaya L., Kutsovskaya Y., Yushin S., Brusenko M., Kapustin M., Zhalilo Y., Sinator S., Kobets Å., and the others.
Purpose and tasks of work. The purpose of master's degree work is development of theoretical positions and practical recommendations for management the economic resources, perfection of analysis method in order to make the use of enterprise potential more efficient, economic resources in intercommunication with the system of indexes of work of enterprise. For achievement of the put purpose such tasks decide in work:
1) to expose objective character of maintenance and essence of financial, production and market potential, ground conceptual interpretation of these concepts in the conditions of market;
2) to explore the features of technology and organization of production process at industrial enterprise with the purpose of determination of its influence on efficiency of resource potential use;
3) to ground methodical approaches to the calculation of potential use indexes and make suggestions in relation to its perfection taking into account concrete conditions of enterprise operating;
4) to define the state and progress of labour potential, potential of basic facilities and financial resources of industrial enterprise as basis of resource potential which will enable to define their combined influence on financial results;
5) to explore the mechanisms of management economic resources, which allow to increase enterprise potential, and methodical approaches to the account of action of these mechanisms;
6) to develop the models of structure optimization of enterprises potential what will help to increase efficiency of his use and to make administrative decisions.
The research object are economic resources on an industrial enterprise.
The subject of research are principles and methods of estimation and management economic resources on an industrial enterprise.
The research methods. For realization of research purpose were used economy-statistical method, comparison, determination of middle and relative sizes, graphic and economy-mathematical methods.
In part one «Estimation problems of industrial enterprise potential» - explored economic maintenance of financial, production and market potentials, and also given a description each of them. Methodical approach is specified in relation to classification of potentials, systematized and complemented their kinds on economic signs. Improved the system of indexes which characterize efficiency of the use of every type potential [1,2,3].
Research of modern approaches to classification of potential types enabled to offer a new classification group in composition of the potentials types on economic signs, that will assist the detailed estimation of every type potential depending on the sphere of his origin and existence.
The analysis of determination interpretations «financial», «production» and «market» potentials showed that the clear picture of their economic maintenance is not formed.
In the second part « Mechanisms of management the economic resources and estimation methods of enterprise potential» – the operating methods of efficiency analysis of the use basic facilities, financial and labours resources are generalized.
For more deep research of the potential use of industrial enterprise it is planned to conduct the determined factor analysis of every potential element.
In master's degree work will be developed and analyzed model of multiple linear regression of influencing all factors on the level of the gross added cost on 1 UAH of basic facilities, what summarize the effective indexes of efficiency, accepted into a calculation.
Thus, as a result of analysis of industrial enterprise potential elements, determination of complex backlogs of labour facilities, labour articles and labour forces is planned [13].
In the third part «Basic directions of management the economic resources improvement» – will be explored intercommunication between indexes, what characterize industrial enterprise potential, will be developed the optimal structure of enterprise potential depending on economic strategy of development.
In master's degree work it is planned to conduct the correlation analysis of intercommunication between the indexes of industrial enterprise potential use. Also it’s planned to discover and define general reserve of production goods efficiency increase due to calculations.
Conclusion represents basic outcomes of the research, systematizes conclusions and justifies research objectives from the point of their achievement.