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Ivanenko Ivan

Zavorotneva Elena

Faculty: Economy

Speciality: enterprise of economy

Theme of master's work:

Mechanism of the strategic planning of development of enterprise

Scientific adviser: Popova Olga

About author


Actuality of theme. Research of development of market relations is generated by the great number of the interdependent problem phenomena in business of activity of enterprises. Reformation of economy violated the formed economic connections and usual methods of work of enterprises, later on resulted in worsening of the financial state, stopping of the extended recreation. There was a necessity of increase of firmness of development of enterprises in this situation. A business management must be directionally on perfection of the functioning of enterprises and increase of efficiency of management development on the basis of improvement of planning processes and control which provides activation and acceleration of rates of quantitative rates and high-quality transformations in the system of menage.

Scientific novelty of work In the last few years the scientifics, which are engaged in the problems of strategic management and development of strategy of conduct of enterprise in an external environment, created the integral system of basic knowledges about a strategic management and planning. Among them the most substantial researches in the field of the strategic planning are presented in works of the Ukrainian scientists: J. Lukinov, V. Ponomarenko, V. Babich, V. Gerasimchuk, O. Pushkar, D. Bojko, D. Bogunia, A. Yakovlev, O. Tridid and others. They examine the question of the strategic planning of management enterprises taking into account the features of the Ukrainian economy. From foreign specialists in a theory and methodology of the strategic planning ponderable payment was brought in J. Ansoff, D. Akoff, Brandenburg, D. Steyner, D. Gelbreyt, U. King and others. Such scientists spared attention to the problems of steady development of enterprise, as V. A. Losev, A. S. Voronov, G. S.Vechkanov, S. N. Glaz'ev, I. P. Bogomolova, T. L. Bezrukova, A. I. Khorev, E. A. Utkin, V. M. Bautin, A. N. Polozova, V. A. Medvedev, J. Kobb-Douglas, S. A. Leont'ev, V. A. Goncharuk, O. V.Raevneva.

The question of planning of development of enterprises is directed at the same time, mainly on providing to growth of financial results in a short-term period, without the account of specific activity of enterprise, that is why there is a necessity of implementation of the detailed researches for industry of forming of effective mechanisms the strategic planning of economic development of enterprise, that defined the theme of master's degree work, formings of purpose and raising of task.

Purpose and research tasks. The purpose of master's degree work is a ground of theoretical positions and development practical recommendations for the improvements of the strategic planning of economic development of enterprise.

For achievement of ukazanoy purpose the followings tasks are in-process decided: considered and studied essence and types of development of economic activity of enterprise; structured complex of strategies of development of enterprise; the mechanism of the strategic planning development of enterprise is certain; the financial state of enterprise as description of safety of enterprise is analysed; the existent methods of complex estimation of threats are investigational; recommendations on the improvement of estimation and adjusting of economic security of enterprise are done.

A research object are processes of development of enterprise. The article of research are theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of the strategic planning of development of activity of industrial enterprises.

Methodology and research method. Theoretical and methodological basis of researches are the advanced studies of paternal and foreign specialists in industry of management of operations, strategic management enterprises and organizations, planning theory, theory of chances and mathematical statistics.

The methodological base of research are fundamental labours of domestic and foreign scientists on questions of strategic management and planning of work of industrial enterprises.

In the process of researches such scientific methods and receptions are used: comparison — for determination of potential backlogs of development of industrial enterprises, priority of factors which influence on activity of enterprise; formalizations — for development of chart of classification of base strategies on a functional sign; cross-correlation analysis — for research of influence of directions innovative activity of enterprises on the indexes of efficiency of their work, swot-analysis — for the high-quality estimation of dynamics of factors of internal environment of enterprise within the framework of the strategic planning and range of internal problems.

The informative base of research are materials of the specialized magazines, certificate literature, statistical information of development of the Donetsk area, information of account and accounting of enterprises.

The scientific novelty of the got results consists in that: development of theoretical positions and methodical tool in relation to perfection of the strategic planning of economic development of enterprises.

General description of work, which includes the ground of actuality of research theme, formulations of aims and tasks of research, determination of object and article of research, opening of scientific novelty and practical meaningfulness of the conducted work, and also results of approbation and introduction of key ideas of this work, is resulted in an entry.

The table of contents of work is exposed in the followings sections: In the first part - "Theoretical bases of development of enterprise" are considered essence and types of development of enterprise, the mechanism of the strategic planning development of enterprise is presented.

The study of literary sources enabled to find out the followings types of development: explication; evolutions; genesis; diakhroniya.

Concepts of emanation, evolutions, eksplikaciya and diakhroniya are fully included in the concept of development, as actually are his different types, or used compatible, or in place of concept of development in the separate fields of knowledges. In master's degree work got distribution the concept «Steady development of enterprise», «guided development of enterprise», «organizational development».

As early as ancient philosophy the traditional was become distributing of development after the criterion of character of changes on extensive (evolutional) and intensive.

Development of general strategy of enterprise in the mechanism of strategic management by development of complex of private strategies conditioned, above all things, by the scale of enterprise, variety of types of activity of morphons, difficult system of their intercommunications.

Under private strategy of development of enterprise an author is suggested to understand the program of successive operating on the prospect of certain depth taking into account an acceptable risk in accordance with the set aims of development and possibilities of their achievement in a separate sphere or activity within the framework of separate morphon which provides efficiency of activity of enterprise on the whole.

On the basis of study of literary sources the followings principles of the strategic planning of development of enterprise are in-process offered: principle of unity; principle of participation; principle of continuity; principle of flexibility; principle of exactness.

The second part of a given thesis "Methodical providing of prognostication of economic development of enterprise" is considered concept of economic security of enterprise, the method of analysis of economic position of enterprise is offered.

Researches of paternal and foreign specialists rotined that providing of safety of enterprise had for an object defence of his interests. Safety is such state at which removed or neutralized threat interests, to existence of enterprise. Economic security - neutralization of factors which blow up firmness of functioning of economic mechanism has a primary value in the system of safety of enterprise.

Current economic level of security enterprise, which characterizes absence of threats, able to result in stopping of vital functions (bankruptcies) of enterprise in a current period, security is analysed.

The estimation of tactical economic level of security, which represents the capacity of enterprise for a recreation in the process of realization by him to economic activity which is arrived at at the certain level of efficiency of the use of resources of enterprise, is conducted (fixed assets, financial and labour resources).

The analysis of strategic economic security, which characterizes the level of economic potential of enterprise, which stipulates the capacity of enterprise for the subsequent successful functioning and at the same time is confirmation of rightness of select direction of development, is carried out, accordances of job of enterprise performances to the basic macroeconomic tendencies.

In obedience to the developed system of indicators it is planned to define economic level of enterprise security.

The third part of a given thesis "Improvement of mechanism of the strategic planning of economic development of enterprise". Development of methods of improvement of planning and prognostication of economic security of enterpriseis planned.

Basic job performances, systematized conclusions and grounded degree of achievement of the put aims and research tasks, are generalized in a conclusion.

On this stage the prosecution of master's degree work is not complete and in december in 2009 it is possible it will be to get a complete variant for an author or for a scientific leader.

List of literature.

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  6. Теоретико-методологічні основи моделювання управління економічним розвитком підприємства //Актуальні проблеми економіки. - 2007, № 3, с. 162 – 167.
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  12. Гончарук В.А Развитие предприятия, М.- 2000, 146 – 150 с.
  13. Виды развития предприятия.
  14. http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/e-journals/VDDMA/2006-1e6/06TSSRPP.pdf
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  17. Понятие развития предприятия.
  18. http://www.nbuv.gov.ua/Articles/Kultnar/knp88/knp88_75-81.pdf

© 2009 Zavorotneva E.

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