Faculty: Energymechanics and Automations
Speciality: Mining equipment
        Development of mining technology in the world and on Ukraine has a tendency to permanent growth of loading on cleansing coalfaces, that is fully justified, because allows due to intensification of booty to reduce the sparseness of mountain works and as a result to promote profitability of mines . From data for period from 1995 to 2001 year along with reduction of amount of the complex mechanized coalfaces from 463 to 252 there was growth of volume of booty from them (in 2000 61,3 million т coal is at the general volume of booty 80,3 million т). The considerable percent of booty from the complex mechanized coalfaces is conditioned by introduction in exploitation of the modern domestic mechanized complexes, providing possibility of achievement of loading on lava to 2th and more than thousand tons in the days of .Так, in 2000 from 33 cleansing coalfaces, equipped by the complexes of type of MKD90, more than 15,4 million т. of coal was obtained.
        Basic retentive growth of loading on modern booty complexes a factor from data is lag in preparation of new front of stoppings. The accumulated experience shows that hollow post long a 1,2-2 km with a supply 0,6-1,0 million т. is worked off for 8-14 months. For this time for preparation of new hollow post it is needed to pass a 3-5 km of the preparatory making on the average. This task is really executable at driving of the mountain making with the rates of 400-600 м/месяц. Such rates of driving can provide only combine technology of leadthrough of making, which answers the requirements of economic efficiency of горно-подготовительных works most full.
        World practice of conduct of mountain works has a tendency to the permanent increase of number of helldrivers of electoral action along with the necessity of expansion of their application domain. More widely on the mines of Ukraine and helldrivers are abroad used with an arrow-shaped executive branch, equipped by axial crowns. These combines are used for driving of the preparatory making on coal mines, building of tunnels, and also for a coulisse at underground development of hydrochloric and ore deposits. Efforts directed on further expansion of application domain and increase of the productivity of helldrivers of electoral action all more frequent does not give the expected results enclosed lately. Exactly it determines actuality of search of ways and methods of perfection and optimization of these machines and their subsystems, in particular, systems of serve of executive branch.
        Thus, intensification of stoppings predetermines the necessity of increase of technical level of domestic helldrivers with the purpose of providing of possibility of achievement of rates of driving of the mountain making 600 and more than meters in a month.
        Basic indexes of technical level of mountain machines are the productivity, reliability and металлоемкость . Determining influence on these indexes renders the process of destruction of array an executive branch, thus his system of serve accepts the most direct participation in this process. It, in final analysis, determines the technical productivity of combines and efficiency of forewinning.
        It should be noted that the specific of work of the systems of serve of executive branches with axial crowns is studied not enough deeply. The existent methods of determination of rational regime and structural parameters of the systems of serve do not take into account to a full degree the features of process of destruction of coalface axial crowns and need revision. Therefore further development of theoretical base of ground of rational parameters of the systems of serve of executive branch with axial crowns, providing the increase of the productivity and resource of helldrivers, is an actual scientific task, having an important value for the national economy of Ukraine.