Faculty: Energomechanics and Automation
Speciality: Mining equipment
Over the past ten years in the mines of Ukraine there has been steady trend decline in the preparatory workings.
As a result, the pace of reserves of coal exceed the pace of their training, which undoubtedly has a negative influence on the techno-economic performance of the entire coal industry of Ukraine.
The most significant gap (32.8%) the rate of preparatory workings of the speed of the mining faces moving is applied to complex mechanized slaughter of a new technological level,
the share of production of which approximately 50% of the total coal production in Ukraine [1].
The most progressive method of preparatory workings - continuous miner [2].
Further improvement of continuous miner through the intellectualization process improve their management to address the problem of accelerating the pace of preparatory workings,
is an actual scientific and practical challenge.
Methods of rational justification for the establishment of operational parameters and the development of the conceptual algorithm, and optimal design of mechatronic subsystems drive next-generation PC-based development DonNTU developments in this area [5].
Object of research - continuous miner arrowy type, equipped with an axial milling executive bodies. This is particularly important in the workings of the strong species. Mechatronic objects, as is well known [6] should be established on the basis of the parallel design and possess a high degree of synergetic integration between traditional structural elements (mechanical, electrical and hydraulic), and information and electronic components of the intellectual type. Consider the conceptual stages of innovative features of the iterative nature of the design mechatronic PC for processing faces with strong breeds.
I. Formation of initial data for design.
II. Verification of the operational parameters Vpo and Vpв from a position of providing defined as the maximum allowable input data of specific energy Wв, which can be considered acceptable if the destruction of rocks with σсжв.
III. The choice of electric motor and gearbox design.
IV. Setting the lower value of strength of rocks destroyed during uniaxial compression σсжн provided before execution of the drive subsystem.
V. Making a range of control parameters.
In accordance with the above algorithm can be designed mechatronic executive body of the drive subsystem continuous miner for specific operating conditions, as well as review of the concept provides a potentially high level of adaptation of these machines to meet individual customer