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Zhukovskyy Oleksey

Zhukovskyy Oleksey

Faculty: Energomechanics and Automation Department

Speciality: Automatic control of technological processes

Theme of master's work:

Research of physical processes of electrotechnical complex working site by using quasi-frequency, and development of automatic anti-stopping device for mine scraper chaine

Scientific adviser: Marenych Kostyantyn

Materials on the theme of master's work:



Average mark in the period of studies in university was 4,5

Short biography:


I was born on twenty fifth of November in industrious and great Donetsk city. During that time my father was working as an adjuster in Donetsk mine department. My mother was an engineer in Donetsk science Research University. I didn’t have any right to complain of my childhood. If it was anything, I don’t remember anything anyway. At the age of 3 I and all similar to me children went to kindergarten, where I spent all given free time with pleasure and diligent. From my early childhood I took a great interest in making a draw copy of plane and other defense technology. So my future fate of engineer was already predestined. I’m really thankful to my mom, cause when I was 6, she brought me to learn English. At 8 years I was dreaming of independently life full of adventures. And then it happened..


On the first of September I became a pupil of Donetsk comprehensive school ¹19 with advanced study of English language. Honestly, I have been waiting for that moment all my childhood. Location of that school wasn’t closest to me, but it was chosen due to high level of teachers training. Studying in school was not so smooth, but my parent used to help me in difficult moments of time. That time I used to spend a lot of free time in Torez city, place where my grandparents had lived. I can’t insist that I had any favorite subjects. There were few of them which I sympathized cause of defined teacher character traits. As example I may count few of them, they were: Russian literature, geography, history, English etc. Besides I didn’t attend last one from 3 till 5 forms, because level of my English was high enough. After I passed the final examination, I have changed my school to Donetsk lyceum “Intelleckt”. First time of studying there was quite difficult for me to adopt its higher level of education. After the lessons I spent a lot of free time with my old school friends. But some time later I realized that good education helped me gather myself and I choose right path in my life.


Thankfully, after I have graduated from my lyceum I wasn’t confused about my future university, cause my parents have already made a decision. In questionnaire’s bracket “Specialty”, with all my father’s resoluteness, I wrote “Automatic control of technological processes”. There were few facts that helped me choose it. My father have finished GEA, almost all my relatives are connected with Donbas mine industry, and the major evidence was the forming of new kind of group where education was held in English language – AUP i). Education system in university was quite easy for me, I had only few problems during second year of studying. Also I can name few memorable event’s, they were conferences in cities of Kharkov and Sevastopol. Unfortunately everything good has an end.. Thereby, after two years of studying my group was gathered back with main group. I wasn’t were upset, but I really hoped to get nonstandard diploma with advanced level of technical English. On the 3 year of studying I had to choose a scientific adviser. A honored assistant professor, head of sub department Marenich Kostyantyn Nikolaevich became him. According to his solving problem specific, I have chosen my theme of diploma work. After 9 semester of studying I went to England, where I had a pregraduation practice on PROMTEX Ltd. Company for one month. In nearest I’m going to pass a management second highest education and never stop!

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