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Chudnovets Victoria

Chudnovets Victoria

Faculty: Geotechnology and production management

Speciality: Ecology in mining

Theme of master's work:

Ground of the ways of complex use of mine rock as a second raw material

Scientific adviser: Ñandidate of technical science, associated professor of Ecology and Environmental protection department is Artamonov Vladimir

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Summary of master's work

Actuality of problem

Mining industry is one of major industries of production in our country. She as component part of fuel and energy complex of Ukraine satisfies considerable part of necessity of country in a power fuel and technological raw material.

On territory of Donbassa already more than 200 years the underground mining is produced. Mine complexes change natural landscapes to the unrecognizability. On ugledobyvayuschykh and uglepererabatyvayuschykh enterprises plenty of gaseous, hard and liquid wastes appears along with production of basic goods (by a coal, coal concentrate, mine methane, breed, tails of enrichment, sewer water).

The indicated wastes negatively influence on the results of economic activity of enterprises, as expenses are required on their collection, portage, storage, and also an ecological situation is complicated in the districts of placing of mines. Substantial influence on a natural environment is had by delivery and processing of mountain mass and breeds from conducting of the mountain making which are expressed in employment of earths under dumps, violation of natural landscape of earthly surface, contamination of atmosphere by hard and gaseous admixtures, contamination of reservoirs by shlamovymy waters. Every thousand tons of underground booty is accompanied by delivery on a surface 110-150 ́3 breeds, thousand tons of enrichment of coal – skladyrovanyem 100-120 ́3 breeds. The tekhnogennaya loading on unit of territory in the Donetsk region more than in 9 times exceeds middle on Ukraine. On territory of region more than 691 waste banks.

On coal mining and coal converting enterprises plenty of gaseous, hard and liquid wastes appears along with the production of basic (coal output, coal concentrate, mine methane, rock, tails of enriching, sewages). The indicated wastes have negative influence on the results of economic activity of enterprises, as they require expenses on their collection, portage, storage, and also they deteriorate complicate an ecological situation in the districts of placing of mines.

Coal output converting has delivery and processing of mountain mass and rock substantial influence on a natural environment. His occupying the earths under dumps violation of natural landscape, contamination of atmosphere, contamination of waters with slime, hard and gaseous admixtures. The every thousand tons of underground output follows delivery on the surface of 110-150 m3 rock, thousand tons of enriching of coal by strong warehousing of 100-120 m3 rocks. Technogenic loading on unit of territory in the Donetsk area exceeds more than in 9 times the middle leading in Ukraine.

There are more than 691 waste banks on territory of the region.

Utilization of turn rock – one of the directions to reduce of harmful influence of waste banks on an environment and renewals of landscapes. Except the known methods of the use of rock to receipt build materials and fertilizers new directions for utilization are not yet developed. In the dumps of coal mines there are many supplies of some metals, commensurable on volume with the natural deposits of minerals, will be economic ally advantageous for Ukraine, especially as many of mineral resources has been already worked out presently. That is one the of global problems. In the near future all supplies of precious and non-ferrous metals, iron will be worked out. Therefore exactly now it is topically to examine wastes of mining, as alternative variant of to get the natural resources.

It is also necessary to leave a mine rock in worked out space, not to accumulate in rock dumps and not to create an ecological danger for environment.

Relevance of losing the complex of tasks of the rational use of resources is directly related to the increasing scales of public production, engaging in the economic turn the enormous volumes of mineral fuel and raw material. One of the basic factors, determining the necessity of the further large-scale mastering of coal supplies, that is their dominant position on supplies in comparison to other combustible minerals.

In connection with higher expounded, there is a scientific issue to the day of develop theoretical and practical ground for directions of the use of mine rock, both for mine needs and of complex to national economy. And determination of parameters of protection buildings expose the most economic advantageous and more durable, suitable on an application area to the mine.

Aims and tasks

The aim is to decline a harmful influence on an environment due to development of technological decision for the complex use of mine rock in the conditions of state enterprise named after M. Gorkiy.


1. Analysis of researches in this area.

2. To analyze technical are economical, social and ecological consequences of introduction of the offered technologies.

3. Ground of directions on the increase of efficiency of the rational use of mine rock, both for mine needs national economy.

Object of research are state enterprise mine named after M. Gorkiy.

The purpose of research is job flushing.

Methods are the researches – method of modeling and forecast, method of the statistical processing of data, methods of technical and economical calculations.

Scientific novelty and practical value of work the scientific novelty is in of the followings aspects:

1. Development of test to method an artificial plan – butokrep'.

2. Forming of flow sheets of guard of the preparatory making with the use of rubble support.

3. Forecast of amount of necessary rock for artificial buildings construction and rock extracted to the surface.

4. Suggestion of new methods for complex the use of mine rock.

Practical value of the work – use of rubble supports and rubble pillars allows reducing deformations of massive and surface. Use of rock in a mine for the job flushing or of guard bars construction allows to lose technical problems, as prevention of obstructions and endogenous fires, decline of vybrosoopasnosti and temperatures of mine air, diminishing of expenses on repair of the preparatory workings and conditioning for their maintenance without repairing.


Reduction of negative influence of production activity on a natural environment is one of basic tasks of ecological and economical activity of mine.

Accumulation of wastes and contamination of natural environment in connection with development of productive forces is not inevitable conformity to law. But, achievement of scientific – technical progress, development of science and create technique the necessary pre-conditions for the effective decision of problem of wastes and prevention of their negative affecting on natural environment. However there are large difficulties in the works as tasks of different industries and departments intersect here. Problem of complex and utilization of wastes has been yet little studied.

Engaging in a rotation as possible greater number of all hard wastes is desirable not only in an order to slow exhaustion of high-quality resources but also in order to decrease the pernicious affecting of environment and reduce charges on liquidation of harmful from contamination.