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Getman Dmitriy

Getman Dmitriy

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production managements
Speciality: Working out of mineral deposits

Theme of master's work:

Rationale for destroked windy rock swelling in the soil preparatory workings

Scientific adviser: Petrenko Peter

About author

Summary of master's work

Urgency of a theme

    The further economic and social development of Ukraine assumes increase in a coal mining which will be realized in becoming complicated mountain - geological conditions. In this connection more and more actual there is a problem of preservation of stability of mountain manufactures. It is known, that in 70 % of cases loss of stability of manufactures occurs for the account swelling breeds of ground, in the greater measure it concerns preparatory manufactures. There is enough plenty of ways of prevention swelling breeds of ground of preparatory manufactures, efficiency and which scope is limited to a stage of carrying out of manufacture. Their further application is ineffective, as while in service manufactures the mine technical situation that demands realization of other actions adequate to these conditions, in most cases, to carrying out undermining breeds of ground of mountain manufacture varies. Carrying out undermining is caused by small expenses, but as shows practical experience of maintenance of manufactures, it leads to to an intensification swelling and to substantial growth of speed of displacement of breeds of ground in comparison with the period previous undermining. In this connection it is impossible to be limited unitary подрывкой and there is a necessity for development and a substantiation of parameters The cheap ways of prevention repeated swelling.

The primary goals

    1. A substantiation of a working circuit - hypothesis of the mechanism swelling breeds of ground in preparatory development(manufacture) at different stages of its operation.

    2. Research of the mechanism of expression sampled breeds of ground in a cavity of manufacture.

    3. A substantiation of an opportunity of preservation of stability of breeds of ground by mechanical counteraction to process of their expression at infringement of an equilibrium condition containing; manufacture of a file, caused undermining.

    4. A laboratory and analytical establishment of parameters of mechanical repulse to expression of breeds of ground of manufacture in view of the basic influencing factors.

    5. Development of ways of mechanical repulse to expression of breeds of ground in preparatory manufactures at working off of lavas by reverse motion and carrying out of their industrial check.

    6. Development of recommendations on application of a way of mechanical repulse in preparatory manufactures and an establishment of their technical and economic efficiency.

Idea of work

    Idea working сonsists in use of the established features and laws of displacement of ground of manufactures after infringement of the equilibrium condition, caused it undermining, for a substantiation of parameters of mechanical repulse to breeds of the ground, providing their stability.

Methods of researches

    Analysis and scientific and technical generalization of a modern condition of a problem of expression of breeds of ground of mountain manufactures; methods of physical modelling on models From equivalent materials and structural models; the analytical researches which have been lead with attraction of positions of mechanics of loose environments and building visual and tool supervision over displays the mountain of pressure in mine conditions; mine trial tests and introduction of a way of mechanical repulse To expression of ground; the technical and economic analysis of its efficiency; processing of results of researches on PVM methods of mathematical

Scientific novelty of work:

    1.For the first time the opportunity is theoretically proved and experimentally confirmed Maintenance of stability of breeds of ground of manufactures after undermining creation of the mechanical repulse, allowing to restore their broken equilibrium condition;

    2. For the first time quantitative dependences of necessary efforts of counteraction to expression of ground from the basic influencing factors are received: volumetric weight and a corner of internal friction of the breeds containing manufacture, width of manufacture, structure and the size of a zone of the destroyed breeds;

    3. For the first time dependences of a corner of internal friction and factor loosening breeds from size of compressing loadings are experimentally established.

Work approbation

    Scientific and applied results of dissertational work were discussed and have met with Approval on IV and V scientifically-practical conferences of graduates of mountain faculty «Perfection of technology of a coal mining in deep mines» (Ukraine, Donetsk, DonGTU, December 1998y. And April 2000y.); the international conference «Progressive technologies and mechanical engineering systems» (Ukraine, Sevastopol, DonGTU, september 2000y.); the international conferences «Geotehnika-2000» and «Geotehnika-2002» (Poland, of Gilwice-Ustron, October 2000y. and 2002y.); the international scientific and technical conference «Geotechnologies on boundary ХХ1 of a century (Ukraine, Donetsk, DonGTU, May 2001y.); the international conference!« Mechanical engineering and a technosphere on a XXI-st century boundary »(Ukraine, Sevastopol, DonNTU, September 2001y.); scientific and technical International conference« Geomechanics and dynamic displays of mountain pressure »(Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, NGAU, October 2001y.); the international conferences« VI szкоlа geomechaniki "and" VII szкоlа geomechaniki »(Poland, of Gilwice-Ustron, October 2003y. and September 2005 y.); the international scientifically-practical conference «Problems of underground building and a development direction grouting and fastenings of rocks» (Ukraine, Anthracite, VNU of V.Dalja, April 2006y.); the international scientifically-practical conference «Geotechnologies and production management ХХІ of a century» (Ukraine, Donetsk, DonNTU, May 2006y.).

    The contract design of building of mine accepts working out system by long columns on revolt at the direct-flow scheme of airing тaken out a site with proportionally methane on sources of its receipt. Preparation тaken out columns is provided by the inclined onboard developments spent on a layer from top to down and from below upwards, the brought and ventilating developments. In process of layer working off submitting air onboard development is repaid, and conveyor is supported in the fulfilled space for a reuse in quality submitting air at dredging of the next.


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