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Ivanova Julia

Ivanova Julia

Faculty geotehnology and operations management

Speciality: Ecology of mining technologies

Theme of master's work:

"The intensification of work of waste-water treatment constructions at mining enterprises on the example of the mine named after M.I.Kalinin"

Scientific adviser: Belyaeva Helena

About author

Summary of research and developments

"The intensification of work of waste-water treatment constructions at mining enterprises on the example of the mine named after M.I.Kalinin"

1 Rationale and relevance of the topic

     Long involvement of Ukraine in the water treatment business without complying with environmental regulations has led to a radical restructuring of water systems, as well as reducing their ability to renewal.

     In Donetsk region in recent years, there has been a trend towards a significant deterioration of water quality in surface sources, which are mainly formed by extracted mine water. More heavy metals and surfactants have fallen in the water area. Laboratory studies show that the average percentage of all irregularities in water recreation areas for the year 2007 made 10, 5%, while in 2006 it was 7.8%. Only according the sanitary-chemical and bacteriological indicators of water deviation from the standard reached in 2007 almost 14%, while in 2006 it was at the level of 9.7%.

     The dramatic changes today: the weakening of state administration, critical depreciation of fixed water resources, multiple reducing the financing of water activities - the main problems of modern water complex.

     Nowadays great attention must be paid to the problem of depletion of water resources: the increase of water consumption in industry, agriculture and daily needs (quantitative depletion), and water pollution (quality depletion). The main water consuming industries are energy, mining, metallurgy and chemical.

     Typical problems for Donbas are limited water resources, as well as the negative impact of discharged mine water. Simultaneously to the coal mining the water intake is made; its bulk is several times more than the consumption of industrial sub-sectors. Current closing of mines does not lead to a substantial reduction of the mine water inflow, but rather aggravates the situation with the underground waters. This leads to under flooding territory of Donetsk region. The vast majority of mines are implementing mine waters pumping and their discharge into natural water bodies both in the process of production, and after their closure.

     In this regard, and the growing scarcity of potable water prevention of pollution of groundwater is becoming topical issue, as well as polluted mine water treatment and water reuse for the needs of the coal industry and related industries and agriculture.

     One of the mines, worth to develop and implement the project of mine water treatment intensification, water re-use for the needs of the enterprise, as well as other industries, agriculture, it is mine named after M.I.Kalinin.

2 Aims and objectives of the study

     The aim of this work is improving the quality of mine water treatment for possible reuse, the improvement of mine water treatment technologies under conditions of the mine named after M.I Kalinin, reconstruction of the existing treatment facilities based on modern technology, which requires investment and it’s re-use for the needs of the coal industry, as well as other industries and agriculture, industrial water supply of the region.

     The idea of the work is design and rationale for technological solutions, and the intensification of the existing water treatment plants.

Methods of research are systematization, analysis, methods of technical and economic calculations, the method of modeling, and forecasting, statistical method of data processing.

     The objectives of the master's work:
1. To analyze the studies of mine water treatment under the conditions of the given mine.
2. Analyze all existing methods of purification and improvement of technologies mine water treatment.
3. To prove the lines and criteria for rational use of mine water as a source of water
4. To give economic ground for technological solutions aimed to intensify the work of treatment facilities and the use of mine water in a real enterprise.
Object of research - mine named after M.I.Kalinin.

     Subject of research are the technological processes of purifying and reuse of mine water at the expense of restructuring and intensification of existing treatment facilities.

     Methods of research are systematization, analysis, methods of technical and economic calculations, the method of modeling, and forecasting, statistical method of data processing.

3 Scientific novelty and practical value of the work

     Scientific novelty is the rationale for the development of technological solutions, the possibility of an intensification of the existing water treatment plants.

     Scientific novelty is in the following results of the progress:
-Implemented forecasting the volume of water used at the mine at its maximum production with the use of mathematical modeling methods;
-Given the ground for rational use of mine water at the real enterprise based on an analysis of existing technological solutions;
-Given the technical and economic ground for the use of mine water.

     Practical value - the growing scarcity of potable water prevention of pollution of groundwater is becoming topical issue, as well as polluted mine water treatment and water reuse for the needs of the coal industry and related industries and agriculture.

Summary and conclusions

     The aim of this work is improving the quality of mine water treatment for possible reuse, the improvement of water treatment technologies under the conditions of the mine named after M.I.Kalinin, reconstruction of the existing treatment facilities based on modern technology.

     The goal achieved in the work allows solving these problems:
1.The analysis of studies on the mine water treatment has been carried out.
2.The analysis of all existing methods and mine water treatment technologies has been carried out.
3.Reduction of wastewater discharge by improving the quality of their treatment, the widespread use of treated water to the technological needs of enterprise.
4.The ground of the lines and criteria for rational use of mine water has been given.
5.Technological solutions for the use of mine water in a real enterprise have been grounded economically.

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