Environmental protection

Source of information: Donbass. A look to the future. Donetsk Region-2000. Donetsk. FTF INTERDONBASS, 1990- 384 pages.

     Donetsk region is the largest industrial region of Ukraine. High concentration of industrial, agricultural and transport infrastructure in combination with considerable density of population extremely affected high man-caused and anthropogenic pressure on the biosphere. Total man-caused and anthropogenic pressure on territory unit 4 times higher in the region than average in Ukraine.

     Acute environmental problem is the problem of air pollution. About 2.0 mln.t of pollution agents including 130 thous. t of motor vehicle emissions are discharged into the air. It makes more than 1/3 of total discharge in Ukraine. Only 7 settlements among 60 towns and settlements of the region have satisfactory state of air basin.

     Donbass is one of the regions least supplied with water. Resource of fresh water per one inhabitant is 10-15 times less, than in western districts and 5 times less, than average in Ukraine. River natural flow is 1.05 mlrd.ì3 a year on average or 190 ì3 a year per one inhabitant. Local water resources does not cover the demand of water in the region. Therefore construction of channel Dnepr-Donbass is in progress.

     Underground waters can be important source of water supply in the future. Confirmed resources of fresh underground waters are 390 mln.m3 annually. Mine waters are an essential reserve for water resources supplement. They are pumped out from acting mines and mines for dry conservation. Their volume is 500 ì3 annually. But the waters can be used only after demineralization because of high salt content. The problem has not been solved nowadays yet. Mine waters removal effects increased mineralization, silting and pollution of rivers and pools.

     Volume of sewage 2 times increases the volume of natural river flow. Polluted waters discharge badly affects on water resources, especially on small rivers. So sanitary condition of the most rivers is critical. Most of the rivers of the region are dirty and very dirty. Quality coefficient of water in the rivers is below permissible limit.

      The Azov Sea is one of the richest in the world as for fish reserves and one of the most valuable as for its recreation. Unfortunately, it constantly degrades and looses its value because of discharge of large volume of crude and not fully purified industrial and household sewage. Analysis of fishing in the sea indicates steady decrease in species and quantity of fish fauna.

     Problem of hydro-mineral raw is important for Donbass. It is possible to extract in industrial quantities lithium, boron, germanium and other chemical elements out of ground and mine waters. Underground waters of south-western Donbass (Krasnoarmeysk district) comprise from 0.152 up to 0.355 megalitres of bromine that exceeds minimum industrial values on bromine 20-60 - times, germanium - 5 - 8 times, lithium - 2 times. Studying of these elements distribution in mine waters in other Donbass districts and working out of their extraction technology is necessary.

Underground Potable and Mineral Waters

     The main consumers of drinking and mineral waters are dwellers and health-improving establishments of the region. Explored reserves of groundwater of the region comprise 2.5 mln. ì3 daily with water salinity up to 3 g/dì3 including 1.9 mln. ì3 with water salinity up to 1.5 g/dì3. Out of predictable resources of groundwater only 22% are developed and utilized.

     Proceeding from available reserve of underground water resources and dissatisfied qualitative condition of surface waters, exploitation and development of drinking water resources with constant reorientation of central water supplying systems for population demand in groundwater, creation of pump water supplying system and enterprises with baling of qualitative groundwater is an important direction of regional natural resources.

     Diversified hydro geological conditions in the region conditioned the presence of nearly all the known mineral waters. Nowadays 10 deposits with total resources 2.5 thous. ì3 per day, 8 of them are exploiting. Quantity of deposits and mineral waters reserves can be increased 3 - 4 times.

     Thus, out of 834 natural resources deposits of Donetsk region, which are on the balance with state deposits fund, 426 deposits are not developed, that represent large field of activity for their exploitation as well.

     Land fund of Donetsk region is characterised by high degree of reclamation owing to prevailing fertile soils and high density of population. Agricultural lands make up 77% of the total area.

     Lands recultivation is of great importance. More than 30 thous. ha have been destroyed while natural resources open-cut mining, as well as occupied with piles, pit refuse heaps and disposal sites.

     Waste problem is one of the most actual and less solvable environmental problems. Annual formation of industrial waste comprises 50-60 mln.t. Even in conditions of industrial production fall volumes of waste are still high. The level of waste utilisation is extremely low, that is 15-20%. As a result, about 1000 objects of waste formation in the shape of terricones, piles, slime pits and dumps occupy about 1% of the territory of the region. There are practically no opportunities of waste disposal in many industrial cities.

     To solve environmental problems Concept of Program for environmental protection and harmonious exploitation of Donetsk region has been worked out.

      The priorities of the Concept:
-Decrease of dangerous discharges into the air by metallurgical works, coal mining and power generating enterprises.
-Decrease and sterilization of waste.
-Utilization of large waste of industry.
-Decrease of dirty discharge waters of industrial enterprises and public utilities.
-Development of natural and reserve fund of the region.
-Education, upbringing, informing general public.
-Working with public organizations.

     Work on formation of Data Bank of environmental investment projects and proposals of enterprises and organizations of the region are in progress. The list of more than 70 ecological investment projects and proposals has been formed already. Total sum of necessary investments is about USD 2951 mm. 58 projects among them have sufficient ecological and economical characteristics.

     State Management of Environmental Security in Donetsk region together with the World Bank carry out Donetsk environmental project. Its task is to assist development and strengthening the system of state bodies on regional and local levels of environmental protection in the region.