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Kapustin Andrey

Kapustin Andrey

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management
Speciality: Safety to labor activity

Theme of master's work:

Influence of the increase the depth of the development on manifestation of the dangers surge

Scientific adviser: Nikolin Victor

About author

Summary of research and developments

Way of measurement of depth of expression of coal layers

We shall die out coal - a quick offset of the coal array in production without reject;throw aside coal; formation to cavities, depth which her widths less; presence of the emptinesses, gaping rifts and slots between roof and layer; the relative separation of the gas differences less between natural and remaining property of the gas of given coal. The striking factor is a mechanical influence of wrung out coal.

The animation scheme of emission of coal and breed (Quantity of shots - 5, repetition cycles - 7, volume - 23 kB)

Drawing 1 - The animation scheme of emission of coal and breed

(Quantity of shots - 5, repetition cycles - 7, volume - 23 kB)

The notion shall die out there is, but no methodses of her determination. And on this cause left the article, which was published in journal "Coal - Ukraine" under name "Way of the forecasting to dangers surge part of the coal layer near lavas".

The short analysis of the perennial experience of the creation and using the different methods of the forecast to dangers surge proves need of the development and use, new, except regional, way of the estimation to dangers surge part of the layer near lavas, which and is motivated.

Locality to dangers surge was repeatedly opened, was proved;proven, explained with timeses of active creative activity of the professor, doctor of the technical sciences Bykova L., academician Skochinskogo A.

It was accumulated it is enough representative experience of the development dangerous on surge layer, allowed to create the regional way of the forecast to dangers surge coal layer and sandstone. Manage to calculate the share an area real dangerous on surge area that is to say on which surges of coal and gas has occurred. She did not exceed total perfected area that proved;proven paramount social and economic need unceasing on measure of the moving the productions of the forecast to dangers surge part mine layer near lavas.

Validity and high urgency of the conclusion two following objective positions confirm in modern condition:

- variety of dangerous on surge layer, when mining which registered in past years significant number surge;

- a development of the mountain work in Doneckoy area is mainly realized in Krasnoarmeysko - Dobropoliskom rayone. Lies in this part coal layer more gas and more prone dangers to manifestations surge.

This, in accordance with installed earlier by dependency to probability of the origin surge coal and gas from degree of his dangers to surge, defines the practical reality to regularities of the natural reduction of the share to dangers surge and else greater need of the unceasing forecast to dangers surge part coal layer in lava, including for the first time taking into account and factor of time under his using.The unconditional achievement Makeevskogo scientifically - exploratory institute, Minugleproma Ukraines is an approving the standard to branches.

Makeevskiy research institute simultaneously with using the current forecast to dangers on surge of the zones has developed the new way of the estimation of the removal to dangers surge, named by checking to efficiency of the prevention surge. It is founded he on speaker of the initial velocity of the allocation of the gas, rather then on her absolute importances. The application his now extended. The way can be used in lava not only, but also in separate events, in consultation with Makeevskim research institute, in starting-up production instead of forecast of the dangers surge on absolute importances of the initial velocity of the allocation of the gas or toughness of coal of the layer.

The animation scheme of a combine (Quantity of shots - 6, repetition cycles - 7, volume - 13 kB)

Drawing 2 - The animation scheme of a combine

(Quantity of shots - 6, repetition cycles - 7, volume - 13 kB)

The scientific base offered earlier speakers of the allocation of the gas was a physical partial model dangerous on surge of the coal layer. The most further, more detailed, deepened, particularly experimental study of the particularities to variability of the distribution water and gas solution has brought about conclusion about absence water and gas to passabilities not only separate block mine layer, but also their part near lavas. The garb and simultaneously with fairness said water and allocation of a partial gas of the layer, from bored in her bore holes occurs, is registered. The process this on physical essence to completely identical allocation of water in laboratory condition from impervious piece of the sort, torn away from tense array. Else more graphically resemblance named "evaporations" process, occurring, in tree for instance. Already schoolboy known that root tree on capillary supply the foliage nourishing solution. But if tree to saw down, that impervious, for instance birch, realizing process of the return of water, засохнет. The processes of the motion solution are conditioned capillary, Van-twitched-Vaalisa power.

For practical application, let even while limited, in scientific purpose offer alongside with accustomed term allocation gas to use, including term "capillary allocation of water and gas ", which will characterize the allocation of the gas from practically impervious, a millions of the years found in complex three-dementional compression, but now unloaded coal array.

In niche, verging to coal array, reduction allocation gas existed at depth of the bore holes 4 metres. The cavities in a part near lavas never registered.

In all explanatory dictionaries, including mountain encyclopedia, shall die out is uniquely defined as surge of coal aside worked out space. Obviously that occurs it during redistribution of the voltages always, existing at coal mining. Exactly her inherent lowered tension and, consequently, raised aptitude to allocation of the gas. Because of that that growing to natural concentration of the gas from lava of the rectilinear dependency will comply with in depth of the array, her will correspond to and growing to velocities of the allocation of the gas from bore holes on measure of their deepenning fairness last position is proved multiple mine experiment.

At the beginning initially 21 centuries experimental studies groups specialist Ukraines have proved;proven that on greater depth reveal itself unknown earlier characteristic coal array: aptitude to deforming the genetic return at unload.

In zone we shall die out nudges the capillary return of water and gas. The cessation of the growing of the allocation of the gas occurs not because of achievement of the area to zero permeability, as this was expected by us earlier, but because of achievement level tension, under which unload necessary for arising and characterizing zone shall die out, is not reached.


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