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Master's portal of DonNTU
Khatyushina Lena
Faculty geotechnology and management production
Speciality: Ekologiya on the mountain business
Specialization: Ecology mountain technology
Theme of master's work:
Choice and motivation of the technological decisions for purification of mine water and increasing of efficiency for their re-use under re-excavation of deposites at the mine "Sheglovskaya-Glubokaya"
Scientific leader:Vigovskaya Daniela
About author
   The purpose -
is a choise and motivation of the technical and economic dicisions for reduction of the bad impact of the entuprise on NE and receiving the possible economic effect, by improvement of purification technologies and the re-use of mine water on the base of the analysis of the situation at the entuprise.
 - research and analysis of the situation at enterprise;
 - estimation of the negative impackt of the enterprise on NE;
 - analysis of the research of the sewages of the enterprise;
 - consioleration of the existing nuthodes of the research and analysis, choice and motivation of the most acceptable;
 - development and motivation of the parameters of the accepted technological scheme for purification of mine water;
 - motivation of the rational use of mine water in condition of the enterprise;
 - calculation of the expected economic effect, that is possible as a result of realization of the offered technological decision.
 The enterprises of coal industry intensify the formed ecological destabilization of the hydrosphere. They cause the sizeable damage to water resourse at account of the underground water supplies exhaustion at drainage and deposites exploitation, as a result of contamination of surface water by mine, carieer, industrial and economic senages, as well as flow of heavy showers and melting water from production fields of coal enterprise, dumps, railways and car roads.
  The problem of economic and drinking water so supply and protection of surface and underground water from contamination by sewages became the problem of state importance lately. It is connected with the growing shortage of drink water, soiling of the main resources of economic water supply - rivers Dnipr, Severski Donets as well as drink and technical reservior, practically all small rivers of the west and central parts of Donbas.
  In spite of presens of the undecided problems, the complex of the measures can be implemented, greatly reducing negative influence on environment.
  It's necessary to make the efficient ways for processing and use of mine water, particularly, re-use of water on concentration factory, as well as preventions of the negative influence of mine water by creation of artificial reservior or use of existing reservior with coorresponding biosenosis. The re-use of water in process of the concentration of mineral excludes the presence of bad weighted material into water objects.
  The industrial sewages and admixtures are various. So there is no common way of purification of water, but the choice of the optimal method is vastly complicated.
  The recommended by branch and general normative documents scheme of purification of mine water are bulky, they require the significant capital investments that in present economic condition are unrealistic. So search for new unconventional decisions for reduction of the bad impact of mining enterprise on natural water invironment with minimum expenses is more actual.