Mining Industry

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The major issues for mining industry to be dealt with are the development of mineral resources base, cost reduction, and development of progressive technologies of raw materials production, refining and transportation.

In order to save and even increase investments in mining industry volumes of exploration work, new fields development, and efficiency of management and production processes must be increased. To gain success in dealing with these issues mining enterprises must implement modern solutions for process automation and enterprise management. Particularly vertical integrated control systems are required for energy and resource saving, higher product quality growth rates, product standardization, increase in industrial security and labour protection, production, transport and other costs management.

For the development and technological modernization of mining enterprises modern integrated control systems for raw materials production and refining, data communication systems, supervisory control systems, operations and enterprise management systems are required. Advanced solutions for automation and information systems reduce investment risks and are required for high growth rates in future.

Being a capital-intensive industry mining utilizes expensive mobile equipment; the effective usage of this equipment is based on advanced solutions in contactless identification, location control, operating condition monitoring and equipment utilization statistics analysis. Production costs planning and control at modern mining enterprise are impossible without equipment operation data as well as without a equipment repair and maintenance control system.

Insist Avtomatika offers a set of time-and expertise-proven industry solutions for automation of processes, supervisory control, production management of a mining enterprise, and repair and maintenance of production equipment. Our solutions are industry-intended, enterprise-adaptable, scalable and configured.