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Master of DonNTU Marina Votyakova

Marina Votyakova

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management

Speciality: Safety of labour activity

Group: BTD-08m

Theme of master's work:

The safety increase of exit of people out from the zone of combustion products during the fires in inclined shafts with downward ventilation in mine named after Abakumov Y.

Cientific adviser:Alexey Kavera

About author

The abstract on a theme of final work

Theme urgency

          In emergencies is necessary quickly and, the main thing, correctly to define safe routes of an exit of miners, and also routes of movement of rescuers. For human life will depend on it.

The purposes and work problems

         To make the analysis of the existing scheme of ventilation. To create computer model of mine by means of the software "IRS Ventilation - PLA". Simulate a mine ventilating network in emergencies, having revealed at this way of an exit of miners from a zone of distribution of fire gases. To raise safety of an exit of people from an emergency zone.

Emergency ventilation

         The analysis of crashes of the coal industry shows that with growth of depth of mines working and pwr of mines the danger of occurrence of crashes remains high enough.
         By practice of holding the mountain rescue work was established that success of miner's salvation at the moment of crashes in mines, efficiency of action by mountain rescuers at time their liquidations and, at last, amount of material compensation in many respects depends on a correct and a timely choice of ventilation regime at the moments of crashes.
         The most dangerous crashes are those which in mines networks formed strong internal sources of traction, which overcome pressure of ventilator on crash's site, which overturn an air stream and which disorganise shaft's airing.
         Existing methods of an estimation of stability of airing at occurrence of emergency sources of traction and ways of stabilisation of air streams are imperfect, therefore the chosen ventilation regime are not always effective.
         Questions about emergency ventilation concern all underground constructions having artificial or natural ventilation.
         The most widespread and dangerous to people is a fire. Dangerous consequences of a fire is excretion a considerable quantity of warmth and poisoning the air. The high-temperature flame destroys constructions and will disorganise ventilation, and excretion of carbon's oxide and other toxic impurities makes the air unfit to the breathing of people. Sudden refusal of the mechanical or electric equipment, action of natural factors or people's negligence can cause fire .
         At decision of the questions of emergency ventilation use computer models of ventilating networks of underground buildings . Such models allow to simulate consequences of emergency factors in underground building and to develop emergency regimes which provide both safe evacuation of people, and action of special services which liquidate crashes or their consequences.
         General characterization of ventilating systems of underground constructions. Extreme modes of ventilation use at fire occurrence in collieries, underground, automobile and railway tunnels. All underground constructions are equipped by system of artificial ventilation which provides air movement in normal and in emergency (in railway tunnels artificial ventilation can be used only in case of crashes). The ventilating system of an underground construction is a complex of tunnels, ventilators, connections of tunnels, the ventilating equipment and constructions for regulation of distribution of air between tunnels.

Animated drawing - Overturning of an air stream
Quantity of shots - 9
Quantity of repetitions - 8

         The most simple are systems of ventilation of railway and automobile tunnels. Generally these systems (or its separate parts) consist of one or several parallel of transport tunnels and vertical mountain's developments (trunks) equipped with ventilators. Ventilators delete air from underwater tunnels through special ventilating channels located in parallel by tunnel.
         Air falls in mines by vertical and inclined trunks. Near a trunk to which air exit mines, establish ventilators of the main airing. Ventilators connect with trunks by special channels. The ventilator together with the channel is ventilation's installation.
         Possibilities of the program "ventilation" Calculation of ventilation in mines (collieries, tunnels, subways) in normal condition and in accidents condition: air distribution, calculation of resistance of mines workings, and ventilation for perspective.
          Calculation of accident ventilation conditions: stability of ventilation streams, zone of spreading of fire gases, estimation of gas situation. Construction of shortest escape routes out of gas-polluted mine working for miners and one-movement routes for mines rescuers.
          Graphic presentation of mines ventilation scheme and positions of emergency control plan, and print of a text part of emergency control plan.
          Program complex allows to organize some autonomous working places (chief – engineer, shift foreman, ventilation and safety measures service) and their communications by means of local network.

The conclusion

         During work the analysis of principal views of failures at the enterprises of the coal industry has been carried out, and also emergency ventilating modes have been analysed. From the above-stated material it is visible, that creation of virtual model of mine by means of the software, modelling can raise substantially safety of an exit of miners from an emergency zone.

          At this time Master's work is under construction. Since December 2009 for more details, please contact the author or adviser.

About author

© 2009 Marina Votyakova
© 2009 DonNTU