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Master of DonNTU Marina Votyakova

Marina Votyakova

Faculty: Geotechnologies and production management

Speciality: Safety of labour activity

Group: BTD-08m

Theme of master's work:

The safety increase of exit of people out from the zone of combustion products during the fires in inclined shafts with downward ventilation in mine named after Abakumov Y.

Cientific adviser:Alexey Kavera



          Middle mark in the period of studies in university - 4.75.
          I speak Russian and Ukrainian freely. I speak English fluently.
          My computer skills are Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), Adobe Photoshop, Mine ventilation program, Internet.
          I take a great interest in a photo, sports, music, flowers, I love football.

Short biography:

           I was born January, 13th 1987 in the city of Donetsk. It was very cold winter day.
          I have not gone to a kindergarten. Instead my big brother Vova before school took away me every morning to the grandmother. In the childhood I was having two best friends - Julia and mine neighbour Sasha. Here I grew!
          In September, 1994 I have gone to school №85. My first teacher was Larissa Viktorovna. She has learnt us to be friendly and disciplined. We have spent together 3 years, and then our class have been disbanded.
          In the childhood I very much would like to become the teacher. Nevertheless I wished to be the designer of clothes or model! But my biggest dream was to become the artist! (By the way, I have executed dream last year, and now we with it are actually inseparable).
          In the fifth class the teacher of biology Vnukova Ekaterina Sergeevna was my class teacher. I very much love garden and wild flowers (in general - everything, even prickles). Very much I love dogs, cats and birds.
          In people I appreciate kindness, sincerity and sense of humour! I very much love football and often I go with friends on stadium.
          When I have passed in the eleventh class,I began to think of the further reception of higher education. I had 2 variants. The first variant - DonNU. I wished to study foreign languages. There was too big competition on a budgetary place. The second variant - DonNTU.
         The school has given me base knowledge for studies in university, here I have found the best girlfriend Svetlana.
          I became student DonNTU.
          The university has given the chance to me to get acquainted with interesting people and to find real friends. Here I have met favourite person Yaroslav.
          In the future I am going to jump with a parachute, to study English, Spanish, French and Chinese languages, to learn to drive the car and round-the-world travel.

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© 2009 Marina Votyakova
© 2009 DonNTU