I was born January, 13th 1987 in the city of Donetsk. It was very cold winter day.
I have not gone to a kindergarten. Instead my big brother Vova before school took away me every morning to the grandmother. In the childhood I was having two best friends - Julia and mine neighbour Sasha. Here I grew!
In September, 1994 I have gone to school №85. My first teacher was Larissa Viktorovna. She has learnt us to be friendly and disciplined. We have spent together 3 years, and then our class have been disbanded.
In the childhood I very much would like to become the teacher. Nevertheless I wished to be the designer of clothes or model! But my biggest dream was to become the artist! (By the way, I have executed dream last year, and now we with it are actually inseparable).
In the fifth class the teacher of biology Vnukova Ekaterina Sergeevna was my class teacher. I very much love garden and wild flowers (in general - everything, even prickles). Very much I love dogs, cats and birds.
In people I appreciate kindness, sincerity and sense of humour! I very much love football and often I go with friends on stadium.
When I have passed in the eleventh class,I began to think of the further reception of higher education. I had 2 variants. The first variant - DonNU. I wished to study foreign languages. There was too big competition on a budgetary place. The second variant - DonNTU.
The school has given me base knowledge for studies in university, here I have found the best girlfriend Svetlana.
I became student DonNTU.
The university has given the chance to me to get acquainted with interesting people and to find real friends. Here I have met favourite person Yaroslav.
In the future I am going to jump with a parachute, to study English, Spanish, French and Chinese languages, to learn to drive the car and round-the-world travel.
© 2009 Marina Votyakova © 2009 DonNTU |