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Ivanenko Ivan

Danilov Alexandr

Physical-and-Metallurgical Faculty
Speciality: Metal Forming

Theme of master's work:

Analysis and improvement of metal flow calculation methods in hot plastic deformation processes.

Scientific adviser: prof. Yakovchenko Aleksandr

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Abstract of research and developments

The development of technology for metal forming, of the introduction and development of new high-efficiency equipment, rolling mills, the whole complex process units, the continuous expansion of sorts ment of alloys subjected to hot plastic processing, requires continuous improvement and refinement of techniques design processes. To meet these challenges, the need to study the mechanical cal properties of metals and alloys under different conditions of temperature and velocity of deformation and the development of reliable measures methods to assess their specific manufacturing processes to ensure maximum productivity of equipment and improve product quality.

The accuracy of calculations depends on the reliability of determining the flow stress of metal. Tension yield of metal is the main component, which has a directly proportional effect on the accuracy of the calculation parameters rolling. The studies found that the yield stress of metal in the hot deformation depends mainly on temperature, the degree and speed of deformation. The temperature of the metal is the most powerful determinant of the value of yield stress. With increasing temperature of heating all the strength characteristics of metal down. Increasing the deformation leads to an increase in yield stress, the increase in hardening the metal. Tension yield increases with increasing strain rate metal.

The practical value of this master's work is that the proposed voltage currents to determine the metal in the form of a polynomial of second degree. This makes it possible to increase the accuracy of approximation of experimental data on flow stress of metal. Studies with a group of steels has shown that this method of determining the flow stress of metal gives more accurate results in relation to other methods.


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