Master's portal of DonNTU

Gladkay Irina

Gladkay Irina

Faculty: Phisical-metallurgical
Speciality: Ecology and environmental protection

Theme of master's work:

Management ecological risks in electrometallurgie

Scientific adviser: Kliaguin G.S.

About author

Summary of research and developments

Introduction (Motivation)

Enterprises of metallurgical industry of Ukraine are the difficult system, subject to influencing of different internal and external factors. The sources of vagueness on a metallurgical enterprise are all stages of reproduction from the purchase of raw material and materials to the process of production. Therefore account, study, and then and decline, both external and internal risk must in modern terms become one of the most essential tasks of guidance of enterprises, applying on the successful functioning in the conditions of market. In most cases one-sided approach shows up to determination of risk. Many researchers bind a risk only to the unfavorable results, by unprofitable economic consequences at a management in the conditions of vagueness. However related a risk is not only to the negative results.


to conduct research of problems of realization of management ecological risks on the example of electrometallurgie ;

to analyse existent approaches to planning of development of risk;

to systematize the process of realization of management ecological risks on an enterprise;

to give recommendation from prognostication of ecological risks on an enterprise.

Practical value of job performances

Practical meaningfulness of work consists in tom, that basic conclusions and suggestions are an universal in grain package of methods, system tying up recommendation on forming of the effective control risks system on metallurgical enterprises

Main planned results

- determination of risk concept is offered, that allows not to bind him only to the unfavorable or unprofitable economic consequences in the conditions of high degree of management vagueness;

- on the basis of research of basic terms and mechanisms of functioning of enterprises of metallurgy classification of external and internal risks is offered;

- the methodical providing of forming and functioning of the effective control risks system is developed on the enterprises of metallurgy, allowing to take into account the real terms of influence of relations of markets in industry;

- the economical-mathematical model of quantitative estimation of risk level is developed in the probabilistic raising which unlike the determined models applied at planning, allows in number to estimate the size of risk of indexes of projects: to the production of goods cost; annual production; price and demand on products, casual combination of which can translate a production in unprofitable.

Conclusions and future research

As a result, all society carries enormous losses. These losses are to time hidden, but, since a certain moment, they show up, and a fight actualising against the accumulated contamination. It appears thus, that non-admission of contamination at one time would make only a few percents ot those expenses, that is forced to carry society. We suggest to name this enormous difference ecological rent. By an optimum method for the observance of exception of unjustified risk, both economic and ecological, there is obligatory ecological insurance. His introduction through unstate insurance organizations will allow to inculcate principles of self-control after the state of environment, leaving the state only public supervisory functions.


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