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Kaverinskiy Vladislav

Kaverinskiy Vladislav

Faculty: Physico-metallurgical

Speciality: Applied material science

Theme of master's work:

Research of structure and properties in compositions of carboloy/iron-nickeliferous alloy, which are got by the method of powder-like metallurgy

Scientific adviser: Professor Pashynskyy Volodymyr Victorovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: About the author | The abstract | links | library | Individual section


Middle mark in the period of studies in university was 4,96. I suppose it will be bigger. I participated in conferences: “Sworld” - international internet conference; “Day of Science”; “Physicists and scientific and technical progress”. Have publications of the theses. I like to paint, play violin and have many other hobbies. I like reed books, especially, fantasy. One of my favorite authors is J.R.R. Tolkien. I like to listen music, especially, I like Enya, Loreena McKennitt and many other Celtic and Irish music.

Short biography:

I was born in town of Makeevka in Donetsk region in family of engineers. Nationality is Ukrainian. From a 1994 year was taught at school ¹6, and From a 1996 year at school ¹21. In 2004 I entered via rating testing to the Physics-Metallurgical Faculty of the Donetsk National Technical University (DonNTU), speciality " Physical Metallurgy ". For years teaching on the department of "Physical Material Science" I studied such disciplines as Physical Metallurgy and Heat Treatment of Metals, Physicist of the Condensed State, Methods of Structural Analysis, Powder and Composition Materials, Nonmetallic Materials, Diagnostics and Fault Detection and others. In 2008 I got the diploma with honor of Bachelor of Science and entered to the Master course Program. Theme of Master's degree work “Research of structure and properties in compositions of carboloy/iron-nickeliferous alloy, which are got by the method of powder-like metallurgy”. Supervisor - Cand. Sci. Vladimir Pashynskiy. I have skills of work with the package of the statistical analysis Statistica, the Photoshop editor, with the program of treatment and analysis of the images ImageTool.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract