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Магістр ДонНТУ Кононенко Олексій Валерійович

Kononenko Aleksey Valerievich

Physical Metallurgical Faculty

Chair of Heat-Transfer Physics

The Speciality: Heating engineer

The Theme of final work:

Modernization of thermal work MNLZ

The Supervisor: Parakhin Nikolya Phedorovich

Materials on the theme of master's work:

Biography Abstract


A problem of introduction of technology of the continuous casting of purveyances on the operating metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine in spite of its evidence of advantage until now is sharp enough. Wherein similar machines are already inculcated, their parameters and job performances are distant not only from optimum, and sometimes and from nominal.

Actuality of theme

The correct choice of technological parameters (temperature became, method of its input in кристаллизатор, speed of teem, cooling intensity became) is instrumental in the improvement of quality of liquid metal, increase of the productivity of teem and upgrading surface of purveyance.

Purpose and tasks of work

To define the optimum technological parameters of teem, construction of setting.

Practical value of job performances

НObviously, that all of parameters of work of MNLZ must be examined complex. To take into account influence of changes each of parameters of work and descriptions of constructions on the modes of operations of all of setting. The optimum parameters of the cooling system are certain the method of planning of experiment.

Basic part

As factors speed of teem and charges of water is accepted on кристаллизатор and area of aftercooling.The matrix of planning of experiment of type was made 23. Complete amount of experiments 8. As a result of fact the coefficients of equalization of regression are certain for the chosen model which is built their meaningfulness and adequacy of the got model of the probed object is Tested in a next sequence. As a result of experiment two equalizations are got for the purveyances of square section: measuring 100*100 мм and measuring 150*150 мм However, the special difficulties arise up at the ebb of purveyances of round section. It contingently above all things the small perimeter of section of purveyance, and also absence of quickly solidifiable corners, characteristic for the purveyances of square section. It is therefore suggested to modernize кристаллизатор of MNLZ with the purpose of removal of the indicated difficulties. By орифления кристаллизатора it is possible to get the perimeter of round purveyance, maximally close to the value of perimeter of square.


As a result of the executed researches the analysis of factors, influencing on quality of bar at the ebb of of high quality purveyances on MNLZ is conducted, the optimum parameters of work of the cooling system are chosen, got equalization for the purveyances of square section, it is suggested to modernize кристаллизатор of MNLZ with the purpose of removal of the special difficulties, arising up at the ebb of purveyances of round section.


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