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Melgui Olexander

Melgui Olexander

Faculty: Physical-metallurgical
Speciality: Management of Energetic

Theme of master's work:

The efficiency of heating residential buildings

Scientific adviser: Parhomenko D.I.

About author  | Library (RUS)



Increased energy costs leads to the production of legitimate questions - questions about cost-effectiveness of different heat sources for heating and hot water at home, an individual flat.

A huge amount of advertising about «unique»  methods of heating, called the figures on the savings to 70% of energy. Deal with the issue could be only at the level of calculations.

For comparison, the most commonly accepted sources of heat: gas boilers (normal and condensation), liquid fuel boiler, electric boiler, and such a device as a heat pump. Solid boilers are not considered, because the price of firewood or charcoal varies greatly depending on the region.

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