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Nosovskaya Olga
Faculty: Physics and metallurgy
Speciality: The manager of energy
Theme of master's work:
Analysis and development of appropriate methods of accumulation of thermal energy in order to use it for heating buildings
Scientific adviser: Gridin Sergey
Materials on the theme of master's work:
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Middle mark in the period of studies at university is 4.98. I know Russian and Ukrainian. At school and university I study English, because to know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. It is the language of computers technology. Perfect knowledge of computers. I like reading interesting books, watching different films, swimming.
Short biography:
I was born at 24 of December in 1986. I have a topical family. My parents: Nosovskaya Lyubov, Nosovskiy Alexandr.My mother is a teacher of mathematics at school №1. My father is an engineer at Kurakhovo Power Station.
In childhood I was a very curious child. I liked to draw, to listen tales, to see interesting animated cartoon. The biggest memory in cnildhood is retelling tales for others chilldren.
1994-2000 years I stidied at school №1 in Kurakhovo. At 2000 I entered at Kurakhovo Polytechnical Lycem. My favourite subjects were Mathematics, Astronautics and Geography. At scholl and Lycem I take part in Olympiad of the Mathematics. In 2004 I entered Kurakhovo Polytechnical Lycem with silver medal.
I want to say great thanks for my first teacher Nygnenko Katrina and my teacher of the Mathematics Kamchatnaya Irina.
I is choising the speciality "Manager of energy" because it is very necessary in our days. At university I studied such professional subjects as: the sourses of energy, the thermodynamics, the technological boiler-rooms and plants, the consumers of electricity, the economy of electricity, the manager of energy.
I want to mentiom Lebedev A. He is a teacher of the thermodinamics. He read very interesting and nessesary lectures for us as the specialist. The entering at magistrate is natural way the continuation education with the sole purpose of deepening my professional knowledges.
The professional and creative plans for my future will be to write and to defence my masters work.
The remote purpose is finding work where I will can to realize myself as the specialist.
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