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Master of DonNTU Olejnikova Oksana

Olejnikova Oksana

Faculty: Physic-metallurgycal
Speciality: Metal science

Theme of master's work:

The impact of cold deformation on phase-structural transformations in steel after heat treatment

Scientific adviser: Alimov Valerij

About author|Abstract|

Публикации по теме выпускной работы

  1. The impact of cold deformation on phase-structural transformations in steel after heat treatment (Rus)

    Authors:: Alimov V., Olejnikova O.

    Description: The kinetics characteristics of diffusion decay of under cooled austenite in hard-wrought steel are fixed in conditions of continuous cooling.

    Resource: Вісник науковця - 2009: Збірник матеріалів всеукраїнської науково-практичної конференції. - Миколаїв: НУК, 2009. - С. 222-224