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Podzorov Anton

Podzorov Anton

Physical and Metallurgical Faculty

The Department of Engineering Thermophysics

Specialty: Industrial heat engineering

Theme of master's work:

Working out and research of a way of reduction of charcoal fumes at heating of steel preparations in methodical pushing furnaces

Scientific adviser: Kurbatov Yuriy

Materials on the theme of master's work: Biography | Abstract | Library |

About Myself:

The mean score in training at university makes 4,86. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language languages. In volume, for reading and correspondence I know English. I own the computer at level of the user. I take a great interest in sports. In particular I am a rated sportsman on hand-to-hand fight, the candidate for the master of sports of Ukraine on sports rock-climbing.

Biography in brief:

The Childhood

Was born on January, 8th, 1987, in Kalininsky area of a city of Donetsk where I live till now. The father - Podzorov Igor Aleksandrovich, was born on March, 31st, 1954, Temporarily does not work. Mother - Podzorova Lyudmila Grigorevna, was born on June, 14th 1952года, works in KKP "Donecrgor teploset".В age of three years parents Have given me to a kindergarten in which I have successfully finished courses of average, senior and preparatory group. Especially fruitful there was a stay period In preparatory group - then I have learnt to write, read.


Then at the age of six years was it is given to 20 school. The physical culture, geography were favourite subjects of the mathematician. Took a great interest in football, even has had time to play behind all favourite command FC "Shakhtar". Was engaged in hand-to-hand fight, and in the end of 11th class has started to be engaged in sports rock-climbing.


In 2004 has left school. Has arrived on ratings on fiziko-metallurgical faculty of Donetsk national technical university, On a speciality "Industrial the heating engineer".

The greatest advantage was brought by studying of following subjects: metrology, a business economics, Internet technologies, boiler installations.

It is especially necessary to note following teachers: Kurbatov Y. L, Ginkul S. I, Parahin N.F.

The Magistracy

On the fourth year when it was necessary to define a direction of scientific researches, I have chosen supervisor of studies Kurbatov Jury Leonidovicha. With it we were defined concerning the subsequent theme of research: "Working out and research of a way of decrease in charcoal fumes at heating of steel preparations in methodical pushing furnaces". This theme insufficiently studied in Ukraine (to what results of search in a network the Internet testify), therefore to work is over what.

The previous operational experience with Internet technologies - at level of the user.

In the future I plan to find worthy work on a speciality where I can apply all knowledge received in university, to realise all skills.