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Sklepkovich Tatyana

Sklepkovich Tatyana

Faculty: Physical-Metallurgical

Speciality: High Heat Power Sistems

Theme of master's work:

Investigation and improvement of generators of heat with the purpose of improvement of their constructions

Scientific adviser: Parhomenko Dmitry

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Library | Links | Contact


Education Degree: Received Bachelor Degree with Honors in “High Heat Power Sistems”. Technical Skills: Operating Systems: Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista Core Applications: Microsoft Office. Graphical applications: Êîìïàñ, CorelDraw. Programming languages: Visual Basic, html Languages: Russian and Ukrainian – fluent. English – advanced for reading and writing Other: Striving to combine analytical approach and creativity in any work, honest, accountable and goal-oriented. Citizen of Ukraine. Not married.

Short biography:

I was born on April, 19, 1986 in town Donetsk, Ukraine.

I early began to talk and was a very curious, but quiet child. Going to the first class I was already able to read and write well.

Since 1993 to 2000 I studied in a secondary school ¹142, Donetsk. Studies were given me easily, took active part in public life.

In 2000 I entered the Donetsk technical lyceum, where taught a good lesson to 2004.

During teaching in a lyceum I did not change the active vital positions, was the head of class and held a position of vice-chairman of self-government council of lyceum. I took part in city competitions on the Russian and Ukrainian language.

For excellent studies I got the gilded youth.

Thanks to the knowledge and skills I had received at lyceum, in 2004 I successfully passed the ratings tests and entered the budget founded group of Heat-Power Engineering department at Physical and Metallurgical Faculty of the Donetsk national technical university.

In 2008 I got the diploma of bachelor with a honors and joined Master course.

In October, 2008 I entered the International University of the finance (Donetsk branch) where now I get the second education on a specialty "Finance".

In the near future I am going to graduate master's degree work and get the of master's diploma. I want to find interesting job, where I could apply the knowledge and abilities, which requires communication with interesting people, which allows to get not only financial but also moral satisfaction, to know much new, comprehensively to develop.

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