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Sosedko Nadezhda Vjacheslavovna

Fiziko-metallurgical faculty

Chair of industrial power system

Speciality: Power management

Theme of masters work:

Research and analysis of the use of fuel and energy resources OP Mine of "Dobropol'skaya"

The supervisor of studies: Iljushchenko Vladimir Ivanovich

Materials on a theme of final work: Àbstract | Library

About itself (main thing):

Mean score in training at university - 4,93. Freely I know Russian also an Ukrainian language languages. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know German. I have the certificate of the operator of a computer set. Hobbies: volleyball, the roller fads, east dances, desktop tennis.

The short biography:

Was born on November, 19th, 1987 in Dobropole of Donetsk area


Zelinskaya Svetlana Sergeevna, the architect "Design bureau of the city of Yalta"

Sosedko Vyacheslav Petrovich, the head of department of capital construction of mine "Dobropolsky"

In 1999 has passed from general educational high school ¹ 19 in a grammar school of ¹1 cities of Dobropole. In 2004 has finished with the red diploma the Grammar school in a physical and mathematical direction.


The high school choice is made on the basis of good responses from graduates, good reputation of university; the speciality is chosen In a random way. In training at university took active part in conferences both intrahigh school, and interuniversity value; there are publications in collections.

The greatest advantage was brought by studying of following subjects: energy sources, thermodynamics, management of the enterprises, Electric power consumers, market infrastructure

Especially it would be desirable to note following teachers: Gridin S.V., Chursinova A.A., Konstantinov G. E, Kolesnichenko N.V., Iljushchenko V. I, Lebedev A.N.

Receipt in a magistracy has been caused by desire to receive the finished higher education, a theme choice Final work - a place of passage of predegree practice and wishes of the head of the degree project

The previous operational experience with Internet technologies is limited to search of the thematic information and Online dialogue.

Professional plans for the near future: search of a place of work in a speciality, application of theoretical knowledge on the practice, skill level increase, career growth; creative plans: studying of ways and technologies of graphic registration of sites, scientific activity, perfection of skills and abilities in photographing, development of dancing skill, participation in sports competitions of various directions.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract