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Faculty: Physically-metallurgical
Speciality: Metallurgy of ferrous metals
Nitrogen is an undesirable component in many steelsdegree. There by eloboration of decrasing methods of N is very urgent in semiproduct producing and subsequent processing in LF (ladle furnace) and teeming. In order to semiproduct producing intensification in EAF: carbon and carboncontent materials blowing ahd high power arc. There is tendency to increasing average content of nitrogen in metal less than 0,010%. Today task is producing semiprodukt with average content of nitrogen less than 0,004%, and in the future up to 10 ppm.
Feed Material | Nitrogen Content, ppm |
Scrap | 30-120 |
HBI/DRI | 20-30 |
Coke | 5000-10000 |
Oxygen | 30-200 |
СаО | 400 |
Liquid iron from the BF | 60 |
Cold pig iron (CPI) | 20-30 |
SiCa | 1900 |
As be obvious from a table most influence on the concentration of nitrogen in steel renders uglerodsoderzhaschiy material (coke), that making the foam of slag. While semiprodukt smelting for crude steel in EAF-2 of EAF shop of «DEMZ» were controlled nitrogen content in fluent metall sample, which has took away from the furnace in order to technological instruction: first sample - after scrap was melted, second sample - before tapping. Analysis of nitrogen content was obtained on Leko Ts300.