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Yuldashkhodjaev Abrorkhuja Islamovich
Faculty: Fiziko-metallurgical
Speciality: metallurgy of black metals
Theme of master's work:
Research of technology of receipt of ferrokhrom from concentrates with low maintenance of oxides of chrome
Scientific adviser:Doctor of engineerings sciences,Рrofessor Ryabcev Anatoliy Danilovich
|About the author| |Abstract| |Library|
Materials Masters DonNTU
1. Metallurgicalportal.
2. Environmental Portal.
3. Scientific-Technical Library DonNTU.
4. The site of the central scientific and technical library of the metallurgical complex of Ukraine.
5. Ukrainian magazine "Metallurg inform".
6. Information about all the energy facilities in Ukraine.
7. Website in English Professional Information Society metallurgists.
8. The site contains links to various online resources that are devoted to metallurgy.
9. International site, which provides various information on the industries of metallurgy.
10. The site contains a variety of materials, links, articles on metallurgy.
11. This site is devoted to metallurgical production.
12. Site Institute Paton.
13. The site is dedicated to the overall metallurgical processes.
14. Useful books on metallurgy.
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