The FFT on a GPU
Kenneth Moreland1
and Edward Angel2
1 Sandia National
2 Department of
Computer Science,
M. Doggett, W. Heidrich, W. Mark, A. Schilling (Editors)
Graphics Hardware
The Fourier transform is a well known and widely used
tool in many scientific and engineering fields. The Fourier transform is
essential for many image processing techniques, including _ltering,
manipulation, correction, and compression. As such, the computer graphics
community could benefit greatly from such a tool if it were part of the
graphics pipeline. As of late, computer graphics hardware has become amazingly
cheap, powerful, and exible. This paper describes how
to utilize the current generation of cards to perform the fast Fourier
transform (FFT) directly on the cards. We demonstrate a system that can
synthesize an image by conventional means, perform the FFT, filter the image,
and finally apply the inverse FFT in well under 1 second for a 512 by 512
image. This work paves the way for performing complicated, real-time image
processing as part of the rendering pipeline. Categories and Subject
Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Bitmap and frame
buffer operations I.4.3 [Image Processing and Computer Vision]: Filtering
Scientists and engineers have been using digital
signal processing to manipulate images since the mid 1960's1. Over the past 40
years a wide variety of techniques have been developed to help enhance images
for better human visual perception and autonomous machine perception. However,
very little of this technology has been applied to real time computer
synthesized graphics. The high computational intensity of such operations has
been prohibitive. The graphics hardware that generated these images was, until
very recently, not exible enough to perform any but
the simplest image filltering. Also, moving the image
data to and from another processing unit, such as the CPU, is in itself a
serious bottleneck. Fortunately, the latest releases of graphics hardware now
have the power and exibility to perform even the most
complicated image filtering.
Digital image processing algorithms should be a good
fit for modern GPU hardware. Any digital image processing technique entails a
repetitive operation on the pixels of an image. Graphics processors are
designed to perform a block of operations on groups of vertices or pixels, and
they do this very efficiently. Furthermore, the performance growth of graphics
has been exceeding
domain processing is not currently done for real-time graphics synthesis
because performing transforms on a CPU requires data to be moved to and from
the graphics card, a serious bottleneck. Furthermore, commodity graphics
hardware was not powerful enough to perform the FFT necessary for complicated
image processing. However, the current generation of graphics
cards have the power, programmability, and floating point precision
required to perform the FFT efficiently.
This paper describes how we used a commodity graphics
card to perform the FFT and filter images. We start by providing an overview of
the FFT algorithm to facilitate understanding of our implementation. We will
then discuss some properties of real Fourier transforms that allow us to more
efficiently implement the FFT on a graphics card. Finally, we will discuss the
details of our implementation.