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Efimenko Katerina

Faculty: Computers and Information Science

Department of applied mathematics

Speciality: Economic cybernetics

Theme of master's work:

Modelling cost estimation of commercial grade

Leader of work: Gizatulin Artem Mahmutovich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4,96

Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English

Professional skills: ÌS Office, Mathcad Professional, Mathematica, Adobe Photoshop.

Some experience of programming in: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Macromedia Flash, 3ds max 7, ÌS Project, Project Expert.

The short biography

The childhood

My name is Efimenko Katerina. I was born in snow and cold, but a holiday day, on January, 7th, 1987 in Donetsk. I has begun read early, and building kits were favourite toys. I did not visit a kindergarden and that’s why I grew the child unsociable. Trainings on the big tennis were remembered for a long time.


The grandmother chose school for me. She wanted me to have the same head of class which has learnt my mum. I have received primary education at school ¹13. I have studied perfectly. I took a great interest in volleyball in school days. Trainer found me as perspective player.

My family has moved to the far Russian city Vologda, when I was in third class. There I have gone to the central school ¹8. But I had changed a place of living again. My family had moved to Donetsk when I had finished the 8th class. When I have came back, I gone to school #1. I have finished school with a silver medal.

Choice of speciality

I decided to enter to DonNTU. My choice was faculty Computers and Information Science. My mother advised me the speciality Economic cybernetics. She considered that this speciality will be always necessary and interesting.


I expected that university will make revolution in my life. The new people, new hobbies. Unfortunately… The First year has passed in studding. In the summer after 1st course I have met new interesting people who have changed my views. I have become interested in web-programming. Next year I have taken part in very interesting arrangement. It was connected  to jeeps. Later I became the active participant of fan club “DON4X4BASS”. One year ago I have got a bicycle. Almost every weekend I spend with friends on the nature.

Subjects, that take my interest are connected with Internet-technologies and the analysis of economic events. The choice of a theme of diploma project was simple for me. I have chosen leader of masters work Gizatulin Artyom. I have chosen the theme «Modelling of estimation of cost of the trade mark».

Plans for the future

I do not build further plans for future, and some of nearest are:

  • - to write masters work;
  • - to end university;
  • - to learn to play a guitar and on djembe.

The main aim of life is learning new and unexplored ways. This is the part of life everyone should achieve.