Konstantin Ivanov

Development hard-and-soft facilities of faculty's content management system

By Konstantin Ivanov
Scientific adviser: Alexander Anoprienko


With new social networks and news portals became new era of World Wide Web – social Web, named “Web 2.0”. Here everyone can create content by himself and make Internet more bigger and useful. The most popular sites in the world are the social networks now, like “facebook.com”, “vkontakte.ru” and “digg.com”. The Web 2.0 is the best Internet technology for creating different knowledge bases. I create faculty scientific social network in my master’s work, where students and tutors will create their own knowledge base “Computer science”. First of all, it will help students to find answers of hard questions quickly staying at home. The main idea of this master’s work is to inculcate this social network with a studying process at the university.

The purposes and problems

This social network portal will help students to get any specialized scientific materials or information in few minutes. The main problem is to bring in enough students and tutors for collecting large knowledge base.

Work motivation

This portal is developed under Web 2.0 technology. It supposes that system makes much better when more people use it. People relations and knowledges is the basis of Internet now. People says that it is possible to find everything in Internet, and it is actual so. Every day there is more and more “trash sites” in Internet. With them Internet grows into a dust-hole. The searching systems renew their algorithms every day, but you usually spend hours to find some specialized information. But as all know, time is the most valuable in life.

So, this social network portal will help students to economize a lot of their time, also students could exchange different actual information and discuss it.

Practical value

All state higher institutions of Ukraine pass to Bolonsky system of studying. There is a lot of opinions on usefulness of this system. The Bolonsky system assumes allocation bigger part of educational process on independent training of students, and smaller – on lecture and practical. It can’t raise the general educational level. Studying material from books will lead to deterioration of the general educational level of students. This portal will help students to get more scientific discussions under Bolonsky system of studying.

The main part of the work

By results of the comparative characteristic in the lead 50 CMS it was five winners: Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress, TYPO3, MediaWiki. So, having analysed this systems, I can make a conclusion that possible applicants for use in the given project there are only two similar systems: Drupal and Joomla. Packt Publishing announced Drupal as the overall winner of their annual open source CMS award 2008 – repeating the win from 2007. “Released as an Open Source project by founder Dries Buytaert in 2001, Drupal has grown substantially and has been downloaded almost 1.5 million times in the last 12 months. It is currently being applied by companies such as Warner Brothers Music, MTV UK, and the New York Observer amongst others. “These awards are a testament to the valuable contributions from dedicated Drupal community members around the globe” said Buytaert in response to the news. “Working together, the Drupal community is building the future of the dynamic web so that anyone can quickly build great social publishing websites” he concluded.”[1]

The system Drupal has been more details studied. So, the given system completely meets the put requirements. Also, the system gives possibility of creation not only social community and the uniform knowledge base, but also it makes ease to adding different additional functions.

Here is some aspects of portal functionality:

Here is user roles with their permissions:


Social network portal is in closed beta testing now. It is placed on a virtual hosting that allows to testing only few users. Also, portal is testing for usability. At the final stage of work it is planned to reduce as much as possible server loading by caching the majority of a content. After that, will predict possible quantity of the registered users and visitors to determine the optimum technical characteristics and parametres of a web-server.

Literature list

  1. Drupal Revealed as 2008 Open Source CMS Award Winner – PACKT Publishing (http://www.packtpub.com/article/2008-open-source-cms-award-winner-announced).
  2. Merser D. Building powerful and robust websites with Drupal6. – Birmingham-Mumbai: PACKT Publishing, 2008, 400 p.
  3. Êîòåðîâ Ä., Êîñòàðåâ À. PHP 5. Íàèáîëåå ïîëíîå ðóêîâîäñòâî – Ñàíêò-Ïåòåðáóðã: ÁÕÂ-Ïåòåðáóðã, 2005, 1121 ñòð.
  4. Ñïðàâî÷íèê äëÿ WEB-ïðîãðàììèñòà, 2007 (http://spravkaweb.ru).
  5. Âàíäþê Ä., Âåñòãåéò Ì. CMS Drupal: ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ðàçðàáîòêå ñèñòåìû óïðàâëåíèÿ ñàéòîì –Êèåâ:Âèëüÿìñ, 2008, 390 ñòð.
  6. Îôèöèàëüíûé ñàéò ðóññêîãî ñîîáùåñòâà Drupal (http://drupal.ru).
  7. Àðõàðîâ Ð. Ñòðîèì ñàéòû íà Drupal. – ýëåêòðîííûé æóðíàë «PC Magazine», 2008 (http://pcmag.ru/solutions/sub_detail.php?ID=32535).