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Mustafa M. Kadhem

Mustafa M. Kadhem

Faculty: Computer Science

Specialty: Economical cybernetics

Theme Theof master's work:

Planning wholesale trade soft drinks

Scientific adviser: c. t. s., associate professor Karabchevsvky Vitaliy Vladislavovich

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Summary of master's work

The topicality

Despite world popularity of mark Pepsi the theme of the degree work is very actual for Baghdad Company. The situation in Iraq is rather changeable and it is necessary to understand that it is necessary to undertake to keep the share of the market and to increase it despite activity of competitors.

Purpose and tasks

Purpose of writing of the degree work is planning and revealing of reserves of growth of a wholesale turn of the enterprise on the basis of its economic analysis.

For the object in view decision it is necessary to carry out following problems in degree work:

1. To conduct marketing research of the market interesting us. In this case we consider a situation in the market of soft drinks in Iraq. For this purpose, in order to understand the situation in the market and to define the further strategy it is necessary to find out the following: - system of sale and a market share;

- consumers;

- competitors;

- production,

- the trade mark,

- sales volumes;

2. To make a plan of activity of the enterprise. Experience of many succeeding companies of the industrial countries shows that in the conditions of the market with its rigid competition planning of economy industrial activity is the major condition of their survival rate, economic growth and prosperity. It allows to co-ordinate optimum available possibilities of the enterprise for output, supply and demand developed on the market. Each firm which starts the work is obliged to represent accurately perspective requirements for financial, material, labor and intellectual resources, sources of their reception, and also to be able to count precisely efficiency of use, available means in the course of firm work. In market economy businessmen cannot achieve stable success if they do not plan accurately and effectively the activity, don’t constantly collect and accumulate the information as for conditions of the target markets, position on them competitors, and about own prospects and possibilities.

3. To define necessary marketing and publicity. Marketing, Advertising and PR-actions are the major factors influencing successful development of object of commercial appointment. Research of advancement of the goods and sales pursues the aim to define the most effective ways, ways and means of the fastest finishing of the goods to the consumer and its realization. Trading channels, intermediaries, sellers, forms and sale methods, distribution costs (comparison of trading expenses to the sizes of received profit) become the main objects here. Such data allow defining possibilities of increase in goods turnover of the enterprise, to optimize commodity stocks, to develop criteria of a choice of effective channels of the goods advancement, to develop sale receptions to their end users.

4. To estimate economic efficiency of the developed actions. The advertising efficiency theme inevitably arises in any community of advertisers or advertisement makers. Nevertheless, morbidity and an urgency of this theme provoke constant discussions, as according to the logic of things, the basic requirement shown to advertising? It is its efficiency. To estimate an advertising efficiency it is necessary even in that case when market indicators say that the advertising company reaches objects in view. If it not to do, it is possible to find out unexpectedly for itself that advertising has led to absolutely not expected effect, and to take measures for situation correction already too late. Besides, to return on former positions in the market, most likely, it is required in three-four times of more resources, including time both monetary.

Object and method of research

Object of research in this degree work is the famous trading company “Bagdad Company” which general director is Leyt Ayad. This company is engaged in manufacture of soft drinks and is the representative of the company “PepsiCo Inc” in Iraq. Baghdad Company exists more than 20 years in territory of Iraq and has its set of clients and competitors as well.

Object of research is the analysis and planning of activity of the investigated enterprise, what marketing and publicity it is necessary to introduce for increase in sale and possible profit.


Reforming of the Iraq economy by the way of market transformations has led to occurrence of a new kind of enterprise activity - advertising. Process of formation of advertising as component of a market infrastructure and one of market economy sectors in Iraq has begun, in essence, spontaneously. Former experience of the organization of commercial advertising activity which was available in conditions it is command - a management management system, it was absolutely insufficient for new economic realities.

The success of enterprise activity in many aspects depends on quality of the intrafirm planning including definition of the perspective purposes, ways of their achievement and resource maintenance. Each businessman or firm should solve three problems of the activity: that, as well as on whom their activity is directed. Not improvisation, not spontaneous situational actions, and regular preparation of decision-making on the purposes, means and actions by a comparative estimation of alternatives in expected conditions makes essence of planning of business. Planning is an important function of management by any enterprise. Successfully working enterprises carry out not only strategic (long-term) planning, but also detailed working out of operative (current) plans on each division and even a workplace. Planned schedules (monthly, decade, quarter, semi-annual), the concretizing purposes and enterprise problems, include data on sales, on security their material resources, about degree of loading of capacities of the enterprise and their use taking into account expected sales. In them are provided expenses on reconstruction of available capacities, equipment replacement, training of workers, etc. In the conditions of enterprise managing widely use advantages of planning in competitive struggle.

Wholesale trade is a kind of enterprise activity in the trade sphere, connected with realization of the goods to retail dealers, industrial, commercial, office either professional users or other wholesale dealers. An indicator of a wholesale turn is the major thing at the enterprise of wholesale trade. All depend on it: incomes, costs, net profit and finally enterprise development. At the same time the planned sales volume is to resultants an indicator which reflects various aspects of activity of the enterprise - strategic, marketing, financial, technological etc.


The degree work examines market of soft drinks and analyzes activity of Baghdad Company (Iraq). Lack of activities of the company has been revealed and the plan of the further action for their elimination and increase in a volume of output is made. Also some advertising and marketing actions for goods advancement, for increase in goods turnover and for increase in a share of the market have been offered. The degree work consists of the introduction, four chapters, conclusions, bibliographic list and appendices. The publications in periodicals, materials of own researches are the theoretical basis for our degree work.


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