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Kononenko Sergey

Kononenko Sergey

Faculty: Computer Science

Department: Applied mathematics and informatics

Speciality: The software of the automated systems

Theme of master's work: The research of the pipeline parametrisation as the mechanism of 3D graphic image construction according to the model description

Supervisor: Ph.D. Grigor'ev Alexandr

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Date of birth: 10.12.1986

Average grade point: 4.3

Languages: Russian and Ukrainian, English (reading, writing)

Experience: Ñ/Ñ++, Pascal, Delphi, Assembler, Java, ÐÍÐ, MS Access, MySQL

Hobbies: Formula 1, carting, great tennis, football, IT-technology, English, literature


I am Kononenko Sergey. I was born on the 10th of December in 1986 in Donetsk. My family consist of four people. They are: my mother – Kononenko Natalya, my father – Kononenko Vladimir and my brother – Kononenko Dmitriy. I was living in Petrovsky district until I was 5. When I was 5 my family moved the flat. We began to live in Kirovsky district. My childhood and youth passed there. I can divide my life into on the four significant stages.


The first stage was my kindergarten. I do not remember a lot of information about that period of my life.


The second stage was my studying at the school until I was in the 8th form. I studied at school number 112 from 1994 to 2001. I think that the most significant achievements of that period were my excellent results in education.

I did not have good marks for discipline, but this did not interfere with my studies. I went out a lot, communicated with my friends, was a member of the football club and read a lot of books in my free time.

When I was in the 6th form I tried to work on the computer for the first time. After this I wanted to deal with the computer technologies in my life. I finished a course “PC user” and understood that it was very interesting kind of activity.

Whet I was in the 8th form I began my preparation for the exams to the Donetsk college. I attended the preparation courses for a year and I was studying hard all my free time. It was my goal at that moment.

I was very happy when I entered there. It was the first victory in my life.

Donetsk College

The third stage of my education was the Donetsk College. I was studying very hard in the 9th form. I did not have free time at all. I did not remember going out or communicating with my friends at that period.

When I was in the 10th form I could find a compromise between my studies and the rest. I could dedicate myself not only to the studies, but also to my interests and hobbies. In the 11th form I did not study hard. But the experience and the results which I had reached in the 9th and 10th forms helped me. I passed my exams and my tests very well. In the end of the 11th form I had marks ranging from 9 to 12. That year I was preparing to the entrance exams to the university.

Why did I choose Donetsk national technical university(DonNTU)? I did not know. Then I thought that this university did not have any specific advantages. Just a lot of pupils from the Donetsk College entered there. I thought that fact influenced my choice. But now I think that my choice was excellent. This University has huge reputation not only in Ukraine, but and also in the world.

For a year I was preparing to the rating tests. At first I had some problems, but I was studying hard and that is why I could understand mathematics and informatics better. In a result I was the 8th in the list and was enrolled to the budget group. I could not describe these emotions. They were fantastic and perfect. It was the second victory in my life.


The University became the fourth stage in my education. I was not studying hard during my University years and I did not have any definite goals. That is why I did not have good results. I studied only to get a stipend and not to be expelled from the University.

I appreciate my lectures as highly-qualified professionals who clearly explained the material. I think that I did not have a stimulus and interest to study better.

I think that Grigor'ev Alexandr is very good specialist in CAD systems. That is why I have chosen him for my supervisor. He offered me interesting theme:The research of the pipeline parametrisation as the mechanizm of 3D graphic image construction according to the model description.

Simultaneously with my studies I was working on the factory. I manufactured the furniture and repaired it.

I think, that in the future I will not work as a programmer, but I am sure that the knowledge, which I obtained in the University will help in my future profession. Today I am a student of the 5th course and I am working as a manager in “Ukrstalservice” Ltd. I think that the master degree will help me in my life to become a successful person. I like my work very much. And I really understand that I can reach the great results in this company.

For the nearest future I have some plans namely I want to defend my diploma, to get the Master Degree, to finished the second education, to learn English very well, to reach the great results in my work.

In the end I want to express huge thanks for my parents, who always believe in me and help me with my problems. I am sure that this is first of all their merit that I have grown up a mature independent personality.

DonNTU > Master's portal || Abstract