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Master of DonNTU Pasechnick Dmitry Alexandrovich

Pasechnick Dmitry Alexandrovich

Faculty of computer science and technology

Chair of electronic computing machines

Speciality: system programming

Theme of master's work:

Automatic railway mobile unit location system

Scientific advisor: Zeleneva Irina Yakovlevna

Summary on master's work


Because of the geographical distribution of manufacturer and consumer of goods all production needs in the carriage of goods to the consumer. One of the industries involved in the delivery of goods is the railway.

Like other freight companies, one of the main railway services is to provide information about the current state and status of cargo to customers. Therefore, it is very urgent question of reliable, accurate and fast system positioning of mobile units on the railway.

There are several ways to obtain such information:

In a global automation of manual labor a long time is not the most effective. Thus, the two remain the last variants.

Error for free GPS devices can be more than 15 meters [1] (for the GLONASS - such more [2]). More accurate systems are quite expensive. Thus, this approach is only possible to get information to customers about the location of goods. Requirements of the railroad to identify the rolling stock, it does not meet, as not reliably determine the path of the transport fleet where the mobile unit.

The most affordable variant is the deployment of mobile units with the help of floor devices. They provide the desired accuracy and an affordable price. There are many different systems:

All these systems differ one option – reader is located on the ground and transmits the information to the database itself. Only the latest developments in identification systems in Europe have become an engine of senses as a source of duplicate information.

In my Master's work offers an alternative concept of positioning the mobile unit type locomotive. It is that on the ground near the track circuit for each block of the transmitter device is placed. It generates an encoded signal and passes it to the track circuit. Traveling on this section of the engine block is equipped with a sensor that reads this message. Then, this signal enters the locomotive on-board computer via COM-port is made at PLD and containing operating system Linux. Then, on a special algorithm via GPRS / EDGE locomotive sent a message to the database. The report contains information about the locomotive and the block station at which he entered. This on-board computer would be universal – it can be added other programs to track the state of the locomotive. The overall structure of the system is presented in Fig. 1.

Fig.1. The overall structure of the system determining the location of the mobile
                unit of the locomotive
Fig.1. The overall structure of the system determining the location of the mobile unit of the locomotive

The prototype of this system became ALSN - automatic locomotive signaling, which is used on the railways for over 30 years [5]. It also uses the track device to transmit a signal through the rail locomotives. A significant innovation is the availability of on-board computer.

Total research can be divided into several parts:


As a result of the studies have been carried out on all parts of the system to automatically detect the location of the locomotive, such as the technology and techniques.

Areas, which include different parts of the system are described in different ways. Thus, with different tasks in Linux is described fairly well, which cannot be said about the device is transmitting information on the track circuit used in ALSN.

As a result, studies were selected technical means for the system, the development of hardware and software, as well as the appropriate means of modeling.

In the process of finding information in a generally positive image of the description of the problem in the world, although sources in the Ukraine left much to be desired.


  1. Точность системы GPS
  2. Википедия - ГЛОНАССГлонасс
  3. Белов В.В., Гершензон М.М., Котлецов Д.С. «Внедрение системы идентефикации подвижного состава на Российских железных дорогах», Железные дороги мира №7, 2003, Гл. редактор Ершов Е.Ф.
  4. На 40-м заседании Совета по железнодорожному транспорту стран СНГ было принято решение о внедрении на железных дорогах системы автоматической идентификации подвижного состава (САИПС)
  5. Описание принципов работы АЛСН
  6. Библиотека магистра Рытова Александра Сергеевича
  7. Eurostar повышает скорости поездов и продажи билетов,, август 2007
  8. Википедия - Архитектура ARMАрхитектура_ARM
  9. Nios II Processor: The World's Most Versatile Embedded Processor
  10. Портал Embedded Linux/Microcontroller Project
  11. Windows Embedded CE 6.0
  12. Основы работы в пакете Quartus II

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