Master's portal of DonNTU


Semenenko Daryna

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Economical cybernetics

Simulation of the prevention of bankruptcy

of the industrial enterprises

Scientific adviser: Dmitrieva Olga

About author

Summary of research and developments


          The modern economic reality makes heads of the enterprises to make decisions in the conditions of uncertainty. In the conditions of financial and political instability the activity of the enterprises has different sequences such as various crisis situations, result of which can be the inconsistency or bankruptcy, and as consequence loss of workplaces and increase social tension. In these conditions there is a necessity of creation the models which can warn bankruptcy at the enterprises.

The actuality of a theme of research

          Questions of the organization and methodology of carrying out of the analysis of bankruptcy are studied but not enough. The standard documents, which regulate the order of carrying out of the analysis and responsibility for the results, are practically absent. Insufficient experience of the analysis and estimation of risk of bankruptcy at the industrial enterprises with using domestic scientific developments is compensated by use of foreign prediction techniques. This techniques give inconsistent results and make prediction of risk of economic crisis and bankruptcy procedure impossible in Ukrainian. That is why problems of using of techniques which diagnose bankruptcy of the enterprise are among the most urgent questions of the economic theory and modern economic practice [9].

The review of researches on a theme

          Scientific bases of the analysis and estimation of an inconsistency and bankruptcy of firms have been developed for the first time by foreign economists, among which U.Biver, J.Brigzhem, L.Gapenski, Z.Depaljanjan, G.Tishou, C.Prazana, Z.Depaljana, etc.
          Particular interest the foreign techniques based on the multiplicate discriminant analysis in the field of crisis development, such as cause E.Altmana's models, Lisica, Taffler, Springejt, Fulmer and other which consider the various factors influencing solvency and financial stability of the enterprise [4].
          Alternative approaches to research of a problem of forecasting of bankruptcy, are developed by the Ukrainian economists of Chumachenko N., Lahtionova L., Poddereginym А., Butynets F.
          Within the precincts of Donetsk national technical university of a problem of use of techniques of diagnostics of bankruptcy of the enterprises have interested many students – E.I.Chizhikova, E.K.Harlashkina and O.Benesko, led by the supervisor of studies - Olga Dmitrieva [11].

The purpose and research problems

          The purpose of the given work is construction of the model adapted on forecasting of bankruptcy of the Ukrainian industrial enterprises, having the specificity of the organization of business.
          According to an object in view during research following problems are solved:

Scientific novelty of work consists in the following


          For successful management In conditions of market economy the estimation of probability of bankruptcy at the enterprise became very urgent. In Ukraine there is no standard domestic technique of definition of probability of bankruptcy of subjects of management. That is why it is necessary to use foreign methodical approaches in which factorial models of prediction of bankruptcy at the enterprises and the organizations are put [3].
          For this reason the author offers the model which will be based on Altman's model , wich uses the plural discriminant analysis, without the fourth factor in which the total market value of the enterprise is used. At the moment in Ukraine there is no information about a market value of the majority of the enterprises, and in the conditions of underdevelopment of a secondary equity market at the majority of the organizations the given indicator loses the meaning.
          Application of the this model for diagnostics of a financial condition of the Ukrainian enterprises will considerably increase quantity of the enterprises which have developed a number of actions for struggle against bankruptcy and avoided it.


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          5. Садеков А.А. Управление предприятием в условиях кризиса: Монография. - Донецк: ДонГУЭТ, 2006. - 178 с.

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          8. Шевелева Л.А. «Методические аспекты проведения анализа вероятности банкротства» - статья, опубликована на сайте

          9. Автореферат диссертации на тему: Превентивное антикризисное управление промышленным предприятием на основе диагностики, 2009 г. - 35 с. (Источник:

          10. Зайченко Ю., Рогоза С., Столбунов В. «Сравнительный анализ методов оценки риска банкротства предприятий» - статья, опубликованная на сайте

          11. Портал магистров ДонНТУ