Design of Finite State Machines
with Transformation of the Object’s Codes
A control unit (CU) of any digital system can be represented as Mealy or Moore finite state machine (FSM). The minimization of hardware in the circuits of control units (CU) implemented on the Programmable Logic Devices (PLD) can be worked out thanks to the increasing of the number of levels in the circuit of FSM [1]. In this case optimization of the circuit that implements the microoperations of the digital system is connected with formation of some additional variables [2, 3]. The method that permits to decrease the amount of additional variables and, therefore, an amount of PLDs in the circuit of FSM is proposed in this article.
The main definitions and an idea of the optimization's method
Let a control unit is represented as finite state machine S with set of internal states , set of logic conditions , set of microoperations and terms and let each term corresponds to one line of the direct structural table (DST ) [1]. Let DST has Z different sets of microoperations and let states are encoded using special set of internal variables , where R = ]log2M[. Let each set Yz corresponds to the binary code K(Yz) with Q = ]log2Z[ bits and let these encoding variables form set . The states correspond to the binary codes K(am) with R bits. Let’s name state and set as the objects of FSM S. The main idea of the proposed method is following.
One of the objects (state or set of microoperations) is a function on the terms of DST and second object is the function of the first one and - may be- some additional elements. Such approach is based on the insertion of special code transformer (CT) in the structure of FSM. If code transformer CT implements the matching, then we’ll name such FSM as PCAY – FSM. If code transformer CT implements the matching, then we’ll name such FSM as PCYY – FSM. The figures 1 and 2 show the structures of PCAY- FSM and PCYY – FSM that are the Moore FSM. Here W is the set of variables that are necessary for one-to-one identification of the objects [4].
Figure 1 – The structural circuit of Moore PCAY- FSM
Figure 2 – The structural circuit of Moore PCYY-FSM
Because of the independence of the output functions of Moore FSM from the logic conditions, the subcircuit Y implementing the system of output functions Y can be connected with the outputs of register RG whether directly (PCYY – FSM) or through the circuit CT (PCAY – FSM). Here subcircuit P forms the excitation functions and special functions that are needed to form in the RG whether the functions T(PCAY – FSM) or the functions V and W (PCYY – FSM). PCAY – FSM does not form functions Y because of relation
. (1)
Condition (1) is true only for particular case of Mealy FSM. It is the reason to form the functions W in Mealy PCAY- FSM (Fig.3) and PCYY – FSM (Fig.4).
Figure 3 – The structural circuit of Mealy PCAY-FSM
Figure 4 – The structural circuit of Mealy PCYY-FSM
If codes of the objects are form by subcircuit P such objects are named as primary objects. If codes of the objects are the functions from other objects they are named as the secondary objects.
Common method of design of automata with transformation of objects
The method of design for any automaton includes the same steps:
1. Formation of the direct structural table of FSM. In this case an initial information about a control algorithm is represented as a flow-chart marked by the states of the corresponding FSM.
2. Determination of the set of variables I to the one-by-one identification of the secondary objects by primary ones [4].
The amount of the variables in the set I should be minimal one to decrease the total amount of the required outputs of the subcircuit P.
3. Encoding of the sets of microoperationsusing the elements of the set V. Formation of table of microoperations. This step is executed for further design of the transformed DST. The amount of variables in the set V should be minimal to minimize the amount of outputs in the subcircuit P.
4. Encoding of the variables using the elements of the set, where P = ]log2K[. Such approach permits to minimize the total amount of outputs in the subcircuit P and the amount of the inputs in the code transformer.
5. One-to-one identification of the secondary objects by the codes of prime objects and codes K(IK) of variables .
6. Formation of the transformed DST by excluding of the column of secondary objects and insertion of the column of variables for identification.
7. Formation of the system of functions implemented by subcircuit P using the transformed DSP.
8. Formation of the table of code converter and the system of its functions.
9. Design of the logical circuit of FSM in the given base.
The examples of application of this procedure with details for design of particular structure of FSM can be found in literature [4,5].
Table 1- Initial DST of Moore FSM
am |
K(am) |
as |
K(as) |
Xh |
Фh |
h |
a1 (¾) |
000 |
a2 |
001 |
x1 |
D3 |
1 |
a3 |
010 |
x2 |
D2 |
2 |
a4 |
011 |
D2 D3 |
3 |
a2 (y1,y2) |
001 |
a5 |
100 |
x3 |
D1 |
4 |
a6 |
101 |
D1 D3 |
5 |
a3 (y3) |
010 |
a5 |
100 |
x3 |
D1 |
6 |
a6 |
101 |
D1 D3 |
7 |
a4 (y1,y2) |
011 |
a5 |
100 |
x3 |
D1 |
8 |
a6 |
101 |
D1 D3 |
9 |
a5 (y3,y4) |
100 |
a7 |
110 |
x4 |
D1 D2 |
10 |
a1 |
000 |
- |
11 |
a6 (y1,y2) |
101 |
a7 |
110 |
x4 |
D1 D2 |
12 |
a1 |
000 |
- |
13 |
a7 (y3,y4) |
110 |
a5 |
100 |
x3 |
D1 |
14 |
a6 |
101 |
D1 D3 |
15 |
Let us discuss an example of Moore FSM design using Table 1. This table contains Т=4 sets of microoperations: Y1=Æ, Y2={y1,y2}, Y3={y3}, Y4={y3,y4}, and Q=2 variables is sufficient to encode them so Z={z1, z2}.Let К(Y1)=00, K(Y2)=01, …, K(Y4)=11. Then tables of microoperations and code transformer are given in the tables 2 and 3 respectively.
Functional circuit of FSM is shown on the figure 5. The application of this method is profitable if
R > Q. (2)
Table 2 - Table of microoperations of Moore FSM
Yt |
K(Yt) |
y1 |
y2 |
y3 |
y4 |
t |
Y1 |
00 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Y2 |
01 |
1 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
Y3 |
10 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
0 |
3 |
Y4 |
11 |
0 |
0 |
1 |
1 |
4 |
Table 3 - Table of the code transformer of Moore FSM
am |
K(am) |
Yt |
K(Yt) |
Zm |
m |
a1 |
000 |
Y1 |
00 |
- |
1 |
a2 |
001 |
Y2 |
01 |
z2 |
2 |
a3 |
010 |
Y3 |
10 |
z1 |
3 |
a4 |
011 |
Y2 |
01 |
z2 |
4 |
a5 |
100 |
Y4 |
11 |
z1 z2 |
5 |
a6 |
101 |
Y2 |
01 |
z2 |
6 |
a7 |
110 |
Y4 |
11 |
z1 z2 |
7 |
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