Student of DonNTU Usachov Alex

Usachov Alex
Faculty: Computer Science
Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks
Theme of student's work:

"Development and research of programmatic facilities for an imitation design in GRID environment"

Scientific adviser: Voronoi Sergey
RUS UKR DonNTU Student's portal of DonNTU 
  Theme of student's work

About myself:

Middle ball for period of studing at university 3,8. Freely I own Russian, Ukrainian languages. In a volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, own English. I carry with football, billiards, music, fishing.

Short-story biography


I was born on August, 7, 1987 in Donetsk, does not remember exact time. A mother is Olga and dad is Alexander at once understood that I am not the most quiet child. Yelled all time, did not give to sleep , required to itself enhanceable attention. A sister is Vika older than me for 2 years, always taught me anything, guarded, well I she replaced me the second mother, although it "went too far sometimes".

Almost all the time I spent in preschool. I liked running everywhere when I was little. In a preschool I spent much time, I was always very late taken away by parents and I sat with educators to the dark, felt there very quietly. On a party morning performance was a musketeer, the suit was cool.


I went to school ¹ 119. Studied from begining with reluctance, liked to take a walk on a district with friends, went for football, especially in summer could all days in the sunshine kick a ball on the field. I played in a chess, was very carried away and read books about tactic of game. In summer often played in small tenis, arranged championships.

At school I interested in mathematics, liked lessons of history - we in senior classes kinematographed on reasons of some historical event. We wrote the scenario and taken off, our films. At 11th class teacher gave us wood AK-47 and we made a movie about Germans, teacher sad that it was cruel, but other liked it.

Since a 10th class began to carry with an informatics and computer sciences and understood the further direction. School years flew very quickly. On exhaust danced waltz, studied waltz, came forward very showily. Would like to express the special gratitude all teachers who brought in the contribution to my development.


From all specialities marked PO and SP. At first wanted to go on PO but went to SP. Further already on a 5 course went to KS.

There was very much much physics and electronics at university.I did not like it, it was necessary to study everything from a zero. With a group we went for a walk very often, spent much time together, helped each other in studies. I had no problems with progremming as it was with the electrical engineering which I had to study from a zero. From all objects AIRKHCS went down in memory most, at beginning it seemed to me by a nightmare, and then I liked it. State examination on 4 courses wrote on 4.

On results state examination entered city council (speciality of KS). Theme of my student's degree work: "Development and research of programmatic facilities for an imitation design in GRID to the environment". This theme is very actual in current time. A leader of students's degree work is an associate professor Voronoi Sergey.

Plans for the future:

After completion of university I plan to work in the direction of the student's work or to the sphere of web-technologies. Grid network is the future of it-technologies, soon these technologies will progressively to develop in our country.

Alex Usachov