Gennadiy Voitov

Gennadiy Voitov

Faculty: Computer Science

Speciality: Computer Systems and Networks

Theme of master's work:

Digital signal processing in FPGA

Scientific adviser: Yuriy Zinchenko

Materials on the theme of master's work:


Middle mark in the period of studies in university 4.86.

Fluent in Russian, Ukrainian languages. In a level sufficient for reading and correspondence, speak English.

I like all sorts of mathematical puzzles and tasks.

Short biography:


          I was born in a little town Amwrosievka in Donetsk region. My mother, Olga Voitova, is mathematician, but she also studied to program computers with assembler. My mother showed me computer when i was seven years old. That time computers were a real rarity, so it was possible to see those only at offices of a big firms.
          Since I can stand on my own legs, my mother tried to teach me something. Due to her, I learn all letters of a Russian alphabet, when I was two years old. But I didn't want to study reading - maybe because of my grandmother, who used to read me tails. Iliked to listen very much, so I knew some tails almost by heart.
          While I was a child, I like to draw very much. When my parents discovered that, they decided to show my drawings painter, who lived near our home. He said that I had a real talent. He taught me drawing for a long time.

School years

          When I was seven years old, I began my studying at secondary school number four in Amwrosievka. But after the third form I continued my studying at school number two. I was a home child and first time I couldn't adapt to a big collective. When I was a schoolboy, I painted a lot of pictures, and everybody thought that, I’ll become a painter. But since the eleventh form Iwas interested in mathematics. I decided to enter DonNTU two month before the first testing. That time school-leavers who want to enter computer specialities had to pass two tests - in mathematics and in programming. I didn't have any troubles with mathematics, but I had to learn programming in a very short period (month before first test I could hardly anderstend what is array). But I was purposeful and I learned the base of alhorithms in a short time so I was the third in the general ticket.


          Iwas interrested in programming, phisics and mathematics since I enter university. I took part in university contests, and I even took the third place in phisics. After the second year I was interested in object-oriented programming.
          The more I learned about computer architecture, the more I was interested in VHDL. The opening FPGA laboratory at university added me enthusiasm. Because it is very easy to dovnload the project into FPGA and immediately see the results of it's work. I quickly learned to develop projects in Xilinx ISE 10.1. My first projects were output constant value to LED, binary summator. I found many intersting projects at official site of Xilinx, which demonstrate the usage of such IP Cores as PicoBlaze and MicroBlaze.
          I want to say that the new FPGA boards opens wide possibilities in studying electronic devices, because there many devices connected to programming schema, among them are analog to digital and digital to analog converters, ports RS-232, VGA, PS/2, and even Ethernet interface.
          Due to examples, I realize the advantages of a programming logic. Because of flexibility, it is very good to use FPGA pattern recognition technique, digital signal processing and so on. I was interested in different mathematical tasks and also in developing computer architecture - that are the main meters of election of my masters work (Digital Signal Processing in FPGA)

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          After graduating university I am going to continue postgraduate study. I want to discover DSP and FPGA. FPGA technologies opens a wide possibilities in reearching computer architecture.