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Bregida Lubov

Bregida Lubov

Faculty: Mining-geological

Speciality: Tehnology and engineering of inverstigation of deposits of minerals

Theme of master's work:

«Improvement and explanation characteristic pulse pump for lifting liquid from chink»

Scientific adviser: Pilipets Viktor

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Mean score of the bachelor's degree 4,42. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language and as in volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English languages. I have an operational experience with package Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Compas, ACDSee, Opera, WinRar, Total Commander. Responsible, executive, purposeful, easily trained. I take a great interest in psychology

Short biography:

I was born on March, 1st, 1986 in Strezhevoj of the Tomsk region the Russian Federation. My parents: mum - Miridonova Natalia Borisovna and father - Miridonov Boris Sergeevich worked in management of chisel works. Mum worked as the engineer-economist in a planning section, and the father - the driver by bus "Ural". So about work of oil industry workers I knew firsthand since small years.

In 1991 we with mum and sister have moved to Donetsk.

In 1993 I have gone to the first class of school ¹ 150. At this time I were still live grandfather Boris and the grandmother Love. Thanks to employment and dialogue with the grandfather at me interest to the exact sciences has developed. Same year I have arrived in musical school on a piano class. To me accounting concerts before parents and trips with performances in the Donetsk philharmonic society were remembered. Study at school was given to me easily. My first teacher – Litvishko Julia Viktorovna - the remarkable person who has enclosed the soul in our class. She spent with us not only school hours, but also free. We participated in competitions, night-school students, theatrical performances, went on the nature, went in a botanical garden, museums, theatres, art galleries.

In 1994-1995 die the grandfather and the grandmother. We remained one with mum and sister. Mum I can name "heroine", after all to pass in difficult 90th years of one with two children without someone's help very hardly. Thus in a family world and understanding atmosphere always reigned. I am very grateful to mum for its support and approval of any my decision.

In 2001 I have passed in school ¹ 125. I was trained by remarkable people: Kodra Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Kostilova Larissa Ivanovna, Bibik Irina Ivanovna to which I am grateful.

In 2003 by results of rating tests I have arrived in DonNTU on speciality ŅŅŠ. Though this difficult speciality, thanks to teachers of chair TTGR, lecture were clear, and educational process – interesting. Student's years always I recollect with a smile as it is one of the most carefree and cheerful periods in my life. Most to me the first and second fact-finding experts on chisel were remembered, various student's actions and dialogue with friends is final.

In 2007 I have married. On April, 25th, 2008 was born my favourite sonny – Denis. I have issued the academic holiday for a year about what at all I am not sorry. After all I could devote completely myself to the kid, and motherhood – the finest period in a life of the woman! Now I have a possibility to study thanks to my mum and the mother-in-law – Bregide Larissa Viktorovne which are with the child when I attend lectures.

Professional and creative plans for the near future.

Successfully to write and defend the diploma of the master on excellent;

To be arranged for such work where I can realise the knowledge and abilities;

Not to stop on reached, in professional, material and spiritual plans.

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