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Магистр ДонНТУ Гермонова Елена Юрьевна

Germonova Yelena

Faculty: Mining and geological

Special subject: Engineering geodesy

Theme of master's work:

Working out and research of the smokestacks' shape and inclination measurment method

The scientific advisor: Mogilniy Sergey

Materials on a theme of master's work: About author

Author's abstract to the theme of master's work   


The Donetsk region is famous for it’s metallurgical and by-product coke plants. The technological process industrial enterprises is supported by the carbon monoxide emissions through smokestacks, which are usually present at the plants with different high and diameter. These pipes are deformation prone, that’s why each pipe should be controlled and by means of systematic observation, periodical, special examination of their upper and inner constructions and also complex inspection.

Obsevation of smokestacks heel and basement settling under the foundations should be provided systematically, with the use of geodetical instruments: 
      - the first two years after the building  two times a year;
      - after two years by the stabilization of foundation settling (1 mm a year and less), one time a year;
      - after the settlings stabilization, one time a five years.

             The theme currency

For the purpose of modern actions fulfilment for deformable high objekts constructions strenghtening and their crash abolition one should regulary provide geodetical measurements of basement deformations, smokestacks constructions and their parts with the frequency, which pre-determinied by the project documentation on these objects. Notwithstanding the great experiment in the settling and deformation measurement works providing, the currency of this question doesn’t reduce, by the way that in any particular case it could be different ways because of existance of other building.

The connection of work and other scienbtific programs, plans and themes

One of the scientific direction at the chair of geoinformatics and geodetics is the thoeretical substination of the new technologies of geodetical works fulfilment. Work out of the mathematical set of formula and the new technology of smockestack deformation observation is one of the directions of this work. That’s why one can regard the theme of master’s work connected with programs, plans and themes of researches made at the geoinformatics and geodetics at DonNTU.

    Objective and tasks of works out and researches

The objective of this work is the reseach of high buildings heel technologies, which exist, with further choice of the optimal one, which one can use notwithtanding the building density or technic items saturation around the object which is under the observation, and which also let deminish the manhours in the way of deminishing of survey and laboratory works, raise the main culture of execution.

Idea of the work:The working out of the new technology of smokestack deformation observation, which oriented on particular automatization of technological process and each observed smokestack monitoring providing, i.e. smokestack deformation in time and space analysis.

GIF Animator 5.1, 6 pictures, 1 s, 45,6 Kb

Image 1 – The technology of smokestack deformation observation (GIF Animator 5.1, 6 pictures, 1 s, 45,6 Кб) 

The main tasks of the working out of the research

For the realization of the objective defined is planed to fulfill such tasks:

1) to learn existing ways of construction heel observation;

2) to make the comparative analysis of these ways;

3) to substantinate the progressive technology of observation of smokestack deformation and test it;

4) to research the new technology accuracy and effectivness.

The object of the workings out and research: technology of observation of smokestack deformation.

Research method:  mathematical modelling and mathematical  analysis.

The workings out and research volume: It was worked out and tested the model  of the smokestack without deformations and the smokestack with deformations, made the test of calculating set of the formula on the real smokestack.

Scientific novelty:

1) it was got mathematical model of the smokestack by the profile of which the desicion of smokestack deformation could be made.

2) it was worked out the new technology of the observation of the smokestack deformation with the usage of electronic tacheometer and was offered the mathematical set of formula for calculation.

The practical meaning of the results:

1) substantial mindering of survey works for the smokestacks observation, because of no need to mark the points on the pipe;

2) at the obsevation process one could immidiately transfer the survey data to the computer and calculate them;

3) loan - reduction for the workers, because of need in only one expert.

4) it is possible to provide the monitoring of each particular pipe.

Research results test:  The main regulations of the work were presented at the 2007, 2008 and 2009 scientific conferentions and was favourably received by the experts.

The  overview of the workings out and researches on the theme

For the fulfilment of the first and the second tasks the ways of the tower-type buildings heels obsevation [1-11] were learnt. For that the main criteria of comparament were defined [1-11]:

1) the need of basic geodetical network creation;

2) the frequency of this network renewal;

3) the connection with the points of national geodetical network;

4) the quantity of points, from which the observation of the building heel will be made;

5) the minimal moving off of these points from the observation object.

6) the maximal moving off of these points from the observation object;

7) the geodetical tools for measurement making;

8) the quantities, which are measured at the survey condition;

9) calculating results.

From the analysis of all the ways of tower-type buildings heels observations regarded, the analysis of the modern set of geodetical tools  and computer technologies existing, the conclusion was drawn, that it is possible to considerable improove these technologies in the way of focusing them on the new geodetical tools, particulary on the electronic tacheometer.


In the master’s work the theoretical substination and practical results are made for the solution of scientific-practical problem of geodetical software for smokestackes deformation observation working out.

The usage of modern electrical-optical methods of the  survey by the control of condition of the important high objects of the industry enterprises enables:

- deminish the manning for the geodetical works;

- to increase the safety of geodetical works;

- improve the high-buildings maintenance conditions.


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