Drilling of wells in the complicated conditions connected with absorption of a washover liquid in permeable zones, leads to considerable economic losses. It is defined, that the use of standard technologies of drilling in permeable zones of the technogenic character, which makes more than a half of all the absorbing intervals of wells of Donbass, leads to rise in price of one running metre approximately by 16-20 %. All this inevitably leads to a decrease of technical and economic indicators of the drillings, spent at crossing of permeable zones.
Last years research, conducted in DonNTU, has shown a perspectivity of application in permeable zones of downhole pulsing flushing by means of submersible pulsing pumps, having involved a small volume of liquid remaining after the opening of a permeable zone. Thus, the necessity of unprodutive losses connected with their manufacture and delivery, and the necessity of carrying out tamponage operations, disappears.
However giving calculation pulsing the pump, owing to specificity and complexity of it's running cycle, rather bulky. Therefore reception of the recommendations which are giving the chance operatively to carry out calculation of giving pulsing of the pump with use of graphic dependences, received on base of processing of the big statistical material is actual.
The project was based on the scientific direction of chair «Technologies and techniques of explorations» of Donetsk National Technical University, consisting of mining technologies and the process equipment for drilling under complicated conditions. Results of project will promote the implementation of the target complex program « The increase of a technological level of explorations, shahtno-geological operations and technical drilling based on the use of modern geologo-geophysical methods, techniques and technology of drilling». The project includes research conducted by Filimonenko N.T. of Donetsk National Technical University on chair of technology and techniques of explorations from 1986.
The purpose of the master project is the development of the graphic dependences productivity of a pulsing pump in a spectrum of all depths, diameters of wells and also expected parametres of the washover liquid; thanks to which it is possible to operatively predict productivity of a pulsing pump, thus enhancing efficiency of drilling.
While making the project, it is necessary to solve following problems:
1. Concretise drilling conditions for a real object of drilling.
2. Develop graphic dependences of a pulsing pump's productivity in a spectrum of all depths, diameters of wells and also expected parametres of a washover liquid.
Scientific value of the project's theme is to accelerate the process of forecasting a pulsing pump's productivity and application of the received results in practice in a mining industry.
Now on chair «Techniques and the technology of explorations» is developed the method of calculation a pulsing pump's productivity. Feature of pulsing pump operation is create not a stationary stream of a liquid, but a pulsing.
Non-stability of a liquid stream causes the non-standard approach to designing of technological parameters of downhole pulsing flushing. The reason of non-stability consists in features of a operation cycle submersibled pulsing pump.
The differential equations, allowing to count of a pulsing pump's productivity at any stage with reference to any liquid and any construction, have been developed by the chair.
The settlement formulas developed by chair, represent the differential equations of the second order. Numerical integration of the equations gives a variable value of velocity of coordinate free surface of the liquid displaced from displace chamber, that testifies to inconstancy of a pulsing pump's productivity at a stage of displacement of a operation cycle and its dependence on a considerable quantity of the parameters characterising a position of a pulsing pump in a hydraulic contour of well and as the working and refining agent. It essentially distinguishes of a pulsing pump's productivity from a productivity of liquid by ans of piston or ram pumps at which provides chosen for concrete drilling conditions discharge rate of a liquid which is not dependent on the above-named parameters.
For efficiency forecasting of a pulsing pump's productivity with reference to real object, concrete conditions are sets, in which frameworks, calculated the graphic dependences of a pulsing pump's productivity in a spectrum of all depths and diameters of wells and as expected parameters of a washover liquid and the working agent aproximated to the nearest standard function. The received dependence take for use in the practical purposes.
Having a set of the received approximated dependences, it is possible to define operatively of a pulsing pump's productivity to all possible conditions of use of pulsing flushing on the produced concrete drilling target, i.e. to accelerate process of forecasting of a pulsing pump's productivity and use the received results in practice in a mining industry.