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Master Ivanchishin A

Ivanchishin Aleksey

The department Construction of the mines and the underground

Mining-geological faculty

Speciality: Mine and underground excavations

Theme of master's work:

Improvement of parametres of access to tunnels at building of Donetsk underground

Scientific adviser: Lysikov Boris

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract


Mean score in training at university 4.52. Freely I know Russian, an Ukrainian language. In volume, sufficient for reading and correspondence, I know English. I have an operational experience with software package Microsoft Offise, Adobe Photoshop, Compas-3D, Turbo Paskal. I take a great interest in sports and foto.

Short biography:

I was born on June, 22nd, 1987 in the city of Krasnoarmeysk of Donetsk area. My parents - Ivanchishin Dmitry Jakovlevich and Ivanchishina Svetlana Viktorovna lived in the city of Selidovo. After maternity hospital, I have moved there. The father at that time worked on mine of 1/3 «Novogrodovsky» main things markscheider, and mum in SE «Selidovugol» as the special worker. Aged three years have given me to a garden here again the first adventures and difficulties have begun.
In a kindergarten it was cheerful! The first acquaintances to the children, the first love, the first the jealousy, the first two in subjects. … to list it is possible long. The best time was in the spring when to us allowed to run on platforms, to go for a drive on a swing, to play different games in general to conduct an active life. It was necessary to act on the morning performances, different sketches and evenings for parents.
When to me it was executed seven years, I have gone to study in school number 2 cities Selidovo. First three years of training have passed in one audience on a floor where all preparatory classes were trained. In the first class the father has has given me on free-style wrestling section. At transition in the fifth class stay in one audience has ended. I have begun studies in special audiences for employment on the physicist, chemistry, to mathematics and other sciences. Training at school was accompanied also by creative work: participation in many cultural actions, "KVN", the first call, farewell evening and many other things. To study it did not stir, and opposite only helped. I did not cease to go in for sports, also I participated in school competitions on basketball, football, fire preparation. After the ninth class additional lessons on autobusiness have started to be conducted. After leaving school I have received the certificate of the driver. At school I have ended training well, without three.
In 2004 at the age of 18 years has arrived in Donetsk National Technical University on a speciality «Mine and underground building». Training has begun very vigorously. Many different subjects trainees on the first only improved school knowledge, but there were also new unfamiliar subjects. It was at first heavy, at once have received many tasks, «calculations» and that of abstracts. In the beginning it was heavy, but it became then easier. Has gradually got used and continued to work in such rate. On the first curriculum I have come to a command on the American football «Varagy». Have accepted me affably, but trainings have appeared heavy. In due course I have accustomed and was not so simply the beginner, and a member of a command. I have continued to be engaged in creative activity: acted on «the Debut of the first-year student», one of these days faculty in general did not sit in a hostel. All my hobbies did not harm to study. I received the grant almost always, except the second semestre. The help of the trainer and other persons never used. At once on the first course, I became the main thing groups. On last years has taken a great interest in a photo.
In 2008 the master has continued training on the same speciality, but in a masters . Has chosen the head - Lysikova Boris Artemovicha as considered him very clever and interesting person. The theme choice masters works «Improvement of parametres of access to tunnels at building of Donetsk underground» spoke interest of the advanced foreign technologies.
As the present purpose I consider - a writing good masters work. After the termination of study I want it will be arranged for good, highly paid work on which I can to realise all skills got during study.

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