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Basis of development of modern methods of prognosis of moving and deformations of earthly surface under influence of underground mountain developments is information, got by supervisions on locality. Looking after moving of mountain breeds and earthly surface conduct on the special observant stations. On results supervisions the charts of moving and deformations are built.But there is probability of falling short of of results of instrumental supervisions on the surveyor observant stations with the curves of settling, built on the method of model curves. Exactly on this account becomes necessary and actual to produce the estimation of accordance of these results.
To produce digitising of these surveyor looking after moving of earthly surface of the model curves built on a method. From findings to produce the design of gornogeologicheskikh situations, adding of results to the made database and comparison them with the results of curves and subsequent analysis. produce digitising of charts of settling in the graphic program Grafula; of gornogeologicheskikh situations and capture of data of calculation;
3.creation of structure of databases geographic information system and mechanism of their forming;
4.development of programmatic facilities for the calculation of the expected moving and deformations, analysis and comparison with model supervisions;
5.leadthrough of experimental calculations and their graphic interpretation;
Animation is a 1- Change of chart of settling (Animated picture: number of shots - 4, time of demonstration - 3.25 seconds, amount of reiterations - 3, a volume is 109 kb)
The conduct of underground developments on mining results in appearance of emptinesses that in same queue conduces to settling of earthly surface. The conduct of developments of MPI in the bowels of the earth under the inhabited objects can cause catastrophic consequences. In order to avoid it the surveyor looking is conducted after moving of earthly surface and earned additionally objects with a purpose: establishment and choice of measures of guard of buildings on-the-spot from harmful influence of mountain developments; exposure of character of deformations of buildings and objects, mountain breeds caused moving.
This work is directed on more rapid adduction and establishment of measurings to the veritable results of surveyor surveys on the observant stations.