At development of the same layers contiguous mines along their technical scopes of ostavlyayutsya mezhdushakhtnye barriers, width of which raschityvaetesya on certain formulas. Basic setting of mezhdushakhtnykh of barriers - nedopustit' penetration of water and methane in the mountain making of operating mine, in the case of submergence of the mountain making of nearby mine.
One of main tasks of surveyor service of coal mines is obespechechenie of safe conduct of mountain works. Especially it behaves to so urgent «to the dangerous areas», under which the area of bowels of the earth is understood at the conduct of mountain works it is required to carry out additional safety measures, foreseen by the special projects. To one of such «dangerous areas» and mezhdushakhtnye belong barriers.
Mountain breeds in an array are in the by volume tense state. During the leadthrough of any mountain making there is a change the napryazhennnogo state of ugleporodnogo array. Especially it behaves to the leadthrough of the cleansing mountain making. At the production of stoppings in containing the furnace of masssive there is moving of breeds not only on a normal to stratification (vertical) but also inplane stratification (horizontal). Cavity, appearing after the coulisse of coal and circumferential it breeds of mountain range are the large geomekhanicheskuyu system «cleansing vyrabotka- surrounding array».
As far as the increase of area of the produced space, because of growth of pressure of the earned additionally breeds of roof on goafed breeds breed and soil of the cleansing making appear area of the second compression, in which coal beds and breeds are again exposed to the compression. The areas of enhanceable mountain pressure appear under and above spurns and regional parts of lavas. Other things being equal nerazrushennye coal spurns on no-bottoms play role of concentrators of tensions in an ugleporodnom array. It is set mine and analytical researches, that the powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed substantially influence on the change of the tense state of pedigree array during the leadthrough of the cleansing mountain making.
Therefore an actual scientific and practical task is research of the napryazhenno-deformirovannogo state of coal bed and surrounding mountain range in the vinicity of barriers at the different fortress of powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed, study of geomekhanicheskikh processes in a mountain range at okonturivanii of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier with the purpose of optimization of sizes of the cleansing making at planning of mountain works on different to the depth of their leadthrough, issledovaninie degree of destruction of mezhdushakhtnykh of barriers and nedopuschenie penetration of water in the mountain making of operating mine, in the case of submergence of the mountain making of nearby mine.
Donetsk National Technical University is to one of leading scientific organizations, which is traditionally engaged in the processes of moving of array of mountain breeds under act of stoppings. By the department of surveyor business the name of prof. Ogloblina d.N. as early as 60-kh years 20 ages fundamental researches of moving and deformation of mountain breeds are executed round the cleansing making which underlay development of general chart of process of moving of layer mountain breeds round the cleansing making with a selection in it of characteristic areas. Since works in this direction were not halted and presently this work is to one of scientific directions of department of surveyor matter of the Donetsk national technical university.
Ground of optimum sizes of the mountain stoppings at their planning near-by mezhdushakhtnykh of barriers taking into account the depth of their leadthrough and different fortress of powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed.
For achievement of the put purpose the next tasks of issledovaniyalasta are certain.
• analysis of methods of prognosis of the napryazhenno-deformirovannogo state of mountain range in the affected of stoppings zones near-by coal spurns;
• to investigate the tense state of mountain breeds and degree of destruction of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier at planning of stoppings on nearby mines taking into account their sizes, depth of leadthrough of mountain works and different fortress of powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed;
• to develop recommendation on the use of the got scientific results for their practical application.
Consists in establishment of conformities to law of deformation and destruction on the different depth of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier under influence of stoppings in the ugleporodnom array of different fortress of mountain breeds by means of mathematical design.
The object of researches are geomekhanicheskie processes, what be going on in a mountain range in the vinicity of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier under influence of the mountain stoppings.
The article of researches are mezhdushakhnye coal barriers, called to provide safety of conduct of mountain works in the case of submergence of the mountain making of nearby mine.
Complex approach which contains an analysis and generalization of before drawn on researches is in-process used, including: study of literary information for establishment of prognosis of the napryazhenno-deformirovannogo state of mountain range in the affected of stoppings zones near-by coal spurns; numeral mathematical design of geomekhanicheskikh processes, what be going on in an ugleporodnom array the method of eventual elements and analytical researches by the methods of mathematical statistics of the got results for the exposure of conformities to law of the tense state of mountain breeds and degree of destruction of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier at planning of stoppings on nearby mines taking into account their sizes, depth of leadthrough of mountain works and different fortress of powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed.
Validity and authenticity of scientific positions, conclusions and recommendations provided:
• using of fundamental positions of theory of moving and deformations of ugleporodnogo array for the leadthrough of the mountain making, mechanics of mountain breeds, method of eventual elements, mathematical statistics;
• by analytical researches on the great number of models which give sufficient convergence with model researches.
The scientific value of work consists in establishment of conformities to law in establishment of conformities to law of deformation and destruction on the different depth of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier under influence of stoppings in the ugleporodnom array of different fortress of mountain breeds
• ground of optimum sizes of the mountain stoppings at their planning near-by mezhdushakhtnykh of barriers taking into account the depth of their leadthrough and different fortress of powerful breeds of roof and soil of coal bed;
• job performances can be used in normativno-metodicheskikh documents, regulating the questions of coulisse of supplies near-by mezhdushakhtnykh of barriers and adjustment of their sizes on no-bottoms.
Ëthe ichnyy deposit of author consists of development of method of mathematical design of process of deformation and destruction on the different depth of mezhdushakhtnogo of barrier under influence of stoppings in the ugleporodnom array of different fortress of mountain breeds the method of eventual elements, in development of algorithm formings of the system of key points and software, realizing the mathematical model of what be going on geomekhanicheeskikh processes, in preparation of calculation charts and leadthrough of calculable experiments; in an analysis and generalization of the got results.
Foremost, it should be noted that work consists of two sections: analysis of the state of studied of the examined question and directly development on the basis of method of eventual elements (MKE) of mathematical model, allowing to get the results of researches. Presently research yet not completed. A final result will be got to December, 2009.