Source of information: Механика жидкости и газа Материалы VI Международной научно-технической студенческой конференции. - Донецк: ДонНТУ, 2007., 132с.
Coal industry takes important place in the economy of countries, possessing the supplies of coal. It is the most main supplier of primary raw material and fuel. Coal deposits was situated on territory of 63 coal-mining countries of the world are characterized the exceptional variety of the difficult conditions, not occur in no one industry, related to the fuel recovery. There are uses different ways and systems of development of coal layers, technological processes and equipment, are used in this connection, to which make demands to the safety and reliability factors. In this problem the special place at the coal mining is taken gas-bearing deposits, where methane presents a threat for life of miners and cost-effective existence of mines from one side, and from other – it is ecologically clean fuel and valuable chemical raw .
In general case, the coal removal from gas-bearing layers is accompanied with the emission of methane, enclosed in the coal layers and containg breeds; even removed coal, located on a conveyer, continues to extract a methane. It is accepted to classify gas-bearingness of layers by the amount of methane coming on a district, reducted to obtained mineral.
The natural gas-bearingness of coal layers of Donbass achieves 20...25 m /t. The supplies of methane in 60 operating mines make more than 100 milliards cubic meters. Now only through the systems of ventilation and degassing from the coal mines in Donetsk region is thrown out to 2,7 billion cubic meters of methane in an atmosphere for year. That volume is sufficiently for satisfaction in third part a region necessities in gas.
At high gas-bearingness of layers toughened requirement to the free section of underground opening, that has the special value for thin layers, where the factor of ventilation limits the productivity of equipment considerably. The gas-bearingness is determined by a necessity: conducting of the preliminary and current degassing of layers; applicating a special charts of ventilation; presence of the automated gas defence, spark-safe circuits of control and connection, and also creation and application of equipment, effectively allowing to extract methane from a layer and deliver it to the place of the further use. The certain experience of mine methane recovery accumulated in the world. In Ukraine, methane from coal-faces is pumped out and burn in the caldrons of thermal power plant or apply as a motor-car fuel, as a rule.
The problem of utilization is engaged on a mine the name of A.F.Zasyadko (the program of degassing of coal layers is counted on a receipt 250 million cubic meters of methane in a year). Here cogeneration technology is used (joint production of additional electric power and heat on the base of existent gas-thermal generators).Utilization of methane on that enterprise is carried out by incineration methane in the engines of cogeneration gas-fired plant (CGFP). Presently first from the mentioned power-stations were implement on a mine. There was 12 generating modules of austrian company Jenbacher set. The module consists of twentycylinder gas engine and synchronous generator 3 MW nominal active power. Each of blocks is connected to the single sectionalized busbar system in tension 6,3 kV (on every section connected for 6 blocks). Produced power on two busways tension 6,3 kV passed on the section of busbars at nearby network substation, which feed on numerous users of the underground and surface power supply systems of mine. It is assumed three buildings CGFP, located in a direct closeness of three basic barrels of mine. During complete realization of project total power of stations will be 66 MW, that is a maximal index for CGFP in the world .
In spite of the certain attained experience, in practice of obtaining methane with the purpose his using, there are questions the decision of which will allow to multiply a social, technical and economic effect in the enterprise. To such questions apply: 1) process of direct methane extraction from coal massif; 2) process of extracted methane delivery to equipment for his processing