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Shevchenko Victor
Mining-geological faculty
Speciality: Technology and technics of investigation of mineral deposits
Theme of master's work:
Development and investigation of work unary core tube with compulsory bottom-hole return washing
Scientific adviser: Yushkov Alexander Sergeevich
Materials on the theme of master's work:
About author
Summary of research and developments
Work urgency
In connection with cost increase core drillings and with increase of depths blowing deposits especially actual there is a question of quality of approbation of prospecting chinks.
Quite often at carrying out of chisel works, paying first of all attention to achievement of high speeds of drilling, that is the quantitative party of process, lose sight, that an ultimate goal of these works - reception of enough of a core of the high quality providing necessary geological drillings.
It is necessary to notice, that the basic criterion of imposing appearance of a core is the high exit. Not less important criterion is its quality which preservation degree in a core in the invariable, not broken kind of structure is meant, structures, fractured zone and other geological characteristics drilling breeds. At drilling on the big depths, and also in difficult geological conditions selection of a qualitative core represents considerable difficulties.
In the near future remains traditional ways of drilling and a reception question quality a core will have still predominating value.
The work purpose
The carried out analysis of work of designs of chisel shells with return washing of a face of a chink and technology of their application has allowed to reveal following lacks.
1. Application of special crowns and thin-walled core pipes.
2. Small diameter of a core at use double core shells.
3. Giving restriction washover liquids, use of technical water and special solutions of the lowered viscosity.
In this connection at performance of work for the purpose of working out of a design of a chisel shell the following is offered.
1. Use unary колонковой pipes that use will allow:
- Chisel crowns of a usual assortment i.e. drilling without reduction of diameter of a core;
- Clay solutions of the big viscosity;
2. Working out of a shell with wall packer an element for creation of return washing
The mechanism description
In a basis of the device an overlapping task in view heading parts of a chink and creation of return washing of a face
The task in view dares at the expense of inflating rubber wall packer an element and dense overlap to walls of a chink. Inflating of a rubber element occurs at the expense of a difference of pressure in the top and bottom part of a chink. Pressure difference arises at the expense of a difference of the areas of section of slot-hole channels, small backlashes in core a set, increases in depth of a chink and density промывочной liquids. Tight dissociation of a chink allows to create return washing of a chink directly on a chink face.
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