Correlation is widely used as an effective similarity measure in matching tasks. However, traditional correlation based matching methods are limited to the short baseline case. In this paper we propose a new correlation based method for matching two images with large camera motion. Our method is based on the rotation and scale invariant normalized cross-correlation. Both the size and the orientation of the correlation windows are determined according to the characteristic scale and the dominant direction of the interest points. Experimental results on real images demonstrate that the new method is effective for matching image pairs with significant rotation and scale changes as well as other common imaging conditions.
Image matching plays an important role in many applications. A lot of matching algorithms have been proposed in the literature [1,2]. Matching two uncalibrated images with large camera motion such as significant rotation and scale changes still remains a difficult problem. One effective strategy is using feature matching approach, which extracts salient features such as corners in the two images and then establishes reliable feature correspondences [3,4].
Normalized cross-correlation has found application in a broad range of computer vision tasks such as stereo vision, motion tracking, image mosaicing, etc. Normalized crosscorrelation is the simplest but effective method as a similarity measure, which is invariant to linear brightness and contrast variations. Its easy hardware implementation makes it useful for real-time applications.
There have been some image matching methods based on normalized cross-correlation [5,6,7]. However, these methods cannot perform well when there are significant rotation and scale changes between the two images. This is due to the limitation that normalized cross-correlation is sensitive to rotation and scale changes. Therefore, traditional correlation based matching methods are not robust against rotation and scale changes. There are also generalized versions of cross-correlation, which calculate the cross-correlation for each assumed geometric transformation of the correlation windows [8,9]. Although they are able to handle more complicated imaging conditions, the computational load grows very fast in the mean time.
This paper presents a new image matching method based on normalized cross-correlation, which can efficiently handle image pairs with significant rotation and scale changes. First, interest points are detected in the two images separately. Each interest point is assigned one characteristic scale and one dominant direction. Then the new method uses rotation and scale invariant normalized crosscorrelation as the similarity measures between two interest points to establish the interest point matches. In order to be invariant to rotation and scale changes, both the size and the orientation of the correlation windows are determined according to the characteristic scale and dominant direction of the interest points. Finally, the epipolar geometry constraint is imposed to reject the false matches. Experimental results demonstrate that the new method performs well on real images with different imaging conditions such as large angle rotation and significant scale changes.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes extracting interest points with characteristic scale and dominant direction. Section 3 introduces the matching algorithm based on rotation and scale invariant normalized cross-correlation and presents in detail the calculation of similarity measures between two interest points. Section 4 describes rejecting the false matches by imposing epipolar geometry constraint. Section 5 presents some experimental results on real images and Section 6 concludes the paper.
The interest point detector used in our method is Harrislaplacian detector [10]. The results of Harris-laplacian detector have high repeatability under different imaging conditions such as translation, rotation, scale changes and moderate viewpoint changes [11]. The detector is based on scale normalized auto-correlation matrix, which is built as follows:
where g(GI) is a Gaussian window function at the scale GI. Ix(X, GD) and Iy(X, GD) are the x and y directional derivatives at the point X = (x, y) of the image I, which are computed with Gaussian kernels of scale GD. The corner response function of a point X is defined as:
where k is a constant. A point is selected as a corner if its corner response function is the local maximum in the 8- neighborhood of it and a threshold Ct is given to ensure the salience of the corner [12].
The corners are detected over a set of scales Gn = snG0 , where G0 is the initial scale factor and s is the scale factor between sequential scale levels. In our implementation, 17 scale levels are used to build the scale space representation. The factors G0 and s are set to 1.0 and 1.2, respectively. The auto-correlation matrix is calculated with GI = Gn and GD = 0.7Gn. The threshold Ct is set to 2000 and k is set to 0.04. All the corner points detected in different scale levels form the initial set of interest points.
2.1. Characteristic scale selection
The characteristic scale of an interest point is selected by finding the local extremum of the Laplacian scale selection operator over scales. Gn is the characteristic scale of an interest point X if
where and St is a
threshold, which is set to 20 in our implementation. For two
interest points that correspond to the same scene point, the
ratio of their characteristic scales is equal to the scale factors
between the two images. The characteristic scale of the
interest point will be used to determine the size of the
correlation window in our method. Note that if an interest
point in the initial set has more than one characteristic scale,
it will be treated as multiple interest points that each of them
has one characteristic scale. And interest points with no
characteristic scale will be eliminated from the initial set of
interest points.
2.2. Dominant direction assignment
In order to achieve invariance to rotation, each interest point is assigned one dominant direction. The histogram based approach for dominant direction assignment [13] is adopted. An orientation histogram with 36 bins covering the range of 360 degrees is used to accumulate the local gradient orientations within a region around an interest point. The gradient orientation of each sample in the region is weighted by its gradient magnitude and by a Gaussian window. After building the orientation histogram, we perform
After building the orientation histogram, we perform a smoothing operation on the histogram by iterative local averaging of every 3 consecutive bins in a cyclical fashion. The orientation corresponding to the largest bin in the smoothed histogram is selected to be the dominant direction of the interest point.
Matching interest points in two uncalibrated images is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Normalized crosscorrelation is widely used in many applications that require matching parts of the images. Traditional matching methods based on normalized cross-correlation can only handle the situation where there are only translation or small rotation and scale changes between the two images. We introduce a new image matching method based on rotation and scale invariant normalized cross-correlation, which can handle more complicated imaging conditions such as large angle rotation and significant scale changes.
In our new method, rotation and scale invariant normalized cross-correlation is used as similarity measure to estimate the difference between the interest points. In contrast to traditional normalized cross-correlation, both the size and the orientation of the correlation windows are determined according to the characteristic scale and dominant direction of the interest points. The matching algorithm is presented in detail as follows:
Let m1=I1(xi, yi) be an interest point with characteristic scale G1 and dominant orientation 01 in one image and m2=I2(xj, yj) be an interest point with characteristic scale G2 and dominant orientation 02 in the other image. Without loss of generality, we can assume G1=>G2. W1 and W2 are two correlation windows of size (2w+1)x(2w+1) centered on each interest point with w=J1G2, where J| is a constant. Let 0=02-01 be the rotation angle and r=G1/G2 be the scale change factor. W1 is rotated by |0| around m1 (the direction of rotation is counterclockwise if 0=> 0, and otherwise is clockwise). W1 and W2 can then be represented as two arrays of pixel intensities A and B:
where u, vª[-w, w]. Auv is calculated using bilinear interpolation. Image I1 should be smoothed by a Gaussian window function of scale Gs before calculating Auv when r is large, for example r>2. The similarity measure between the two interest points is then defined as the normalized crosscorrelation between A and B.
where A ( B ) is the average and G ( A) (G( B ) ) is the standard deviation of all the elements in A(B). We use J|=5 and Gs=1.5 in our experiments
By adapting the size and the orientation of the correlation window, the similarity measure is robust against rotation and scale changes. The similarity measure decreases monotonically from 1 to -1 with the increase of difference between two interest points. Suppose there are m interest points in the first image and n interest points in the second image, consider a matrix GªMm,n that its element Gij stands for the similarity measure between the i-th interest point in the first image and the j-th interest point in the second image. In order to establish one to one interest point correspondence, two interest points will be accepted as a match only if their similarity measure Gij is both the greatest element in its row and the greatest element in its column. With selecting all such elements in G, the initial set of interest point matches between the two images can be established.
The new method yields good results in the experiments on real images under different imaging conditions such as large angle rotation and significant scale changes. Some of the results are demonstrated in Section 5.
The initial set of interest point matches usually contains some false matches due to the inaccurate characterization of interest point or the improper matches established in the matching procedure. In the case of matching two uncalibrated images, the epipolar geometry can be used to reject the false matches [6,14,15]. The estimation of epipolar geometry from interest point correspondences is performed by the robust estimator RANSAC [16]. Then the interest point matches that are not consistent with the estimated epipolar geometry are identified as false matches and rejected.
In this section, we will demonstrate some experimental results on real images of various content. These images are under different imaging conditions, such as rotation, scale changes, viewpoint changes, etc. Some of the images are from the public domain resources of INRIA and others are collected by our lab. Fig.1-Fig.4 show the final matching results for four different image pairs with significant camera motions.
Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show the matching results for image pair East_south and Residence with large rotation and scale changes. There also exist self-similarity structures in the two images of image pair Residence. Fig. 3 shows the matching results for image pair Graffiti6 with viewpoint changes. And Fig. 4 shows the matching results for image pair Car with translation, rotation and scale changes. The numbers of correct matches and the average distances from epipolar lines are illustrated in Table 1.
Table 1: Final matching results for Fig.1-Fig.4
Image Pair | Correct Matches | Average Distance |
East_south | 49 | 0.235 |
Residence | 83 | 0.246 |
Graffiti6 | 76 | 0.341 |
Car | 79 | 0.294 |
The experimental results on real images of various content show that our new method is effective for matching image pairs with significant rotation and scale changes, which cannot be effectively handled by traditional correlation based matching methods. Moreover, the new method can handle the situation where there are moderate viewpoint changes between the two images. We also test our method under other common imaging conditions. Fig. 5 demonstrates more matching results with the new method.
We have presented a new correlation based method for matching two uncalibrated images with significant rotation and scale changes. Our method employs rotation and scale invariant normalized cross-correlation defined as the similarity measure between two interest points. The calculation of normalized cross-correlation adapts the size and the orientation of the correlation window according to the characteristic scale and the dominant direction of the interest points. Compared with traditional matching methods based on correlation, our method is able to handle more complicated imaging conditions such as large rotation and scale changes. Experimental results on real images of various content verify the effectiveness of our method.
This work is supported by National Hi-Tech Development Programs of China under grant No. 2003AA142140.
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Figure 5: Matching results for different imaging conditions. (a) shows 60 inliers for illumination case. (b) shows 49 inliers for blurring case. (c) shows 94 inliers for JPEG compression case. (d) shows 62 inliers for large angle rotation, scale changes plus random noise case.