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Master of Donetsk National Technical University Elena Turyanskaya

Elena Turyanskaya

Faculty:mining and geolodgical

Depatment: Technology of Exploration Work

Speciality: drilling


Theme of master's work:

Map drilling of vertical shafts with application of kernometry

Scientific supervisor: Ph. D. Alexandr S. Yushkov

Bref resume

Average mark in bachelor's degree: 4.61. Fluent in Russian and Ukrainian languages. I'm up to standard to carry on correspondence in English.



I was born cloudy autumn day on October, 14th, 1986 in the small city Dokuchaevsk. My parents have got married being students of Donetsk polytechnic institute. Mum, Turjanskaya Larissa Vladimirovna, studied on speciality "Mining of mineral deposits" and the daddy, Turjanskiy Alexander Anatolevich, has received the diploma of the expert in drilling.


As the child of students, I have spent the most part of the childhood at grandmothers and grandfathers. In four years after my birth I had brother, Turjanskiy Alexander Aleksandrovich. In a kindergarten I have gone at once to the senior group in five years. Then in 1994 I have gone to the first class of a Comprehensive School 4 in Dokuchaevsk. In 1996 me have translated in school 5 in Dokuchaevsk. I have finished the school in 2004 with a gold medal. At school I was socially active child: from the fifth on the eleventh classes was the head of a class, took part in all school actions. I gave special attention to mathematics, English and Russian. One time I even wished to become the teacher of Russian and the literature. Was the participant and repeatedly occupied prize-winning places on the city Competitions almost in all subjects. During learning at school in parallel was engaged in the House of children's and youthful creativity, I have certificates on the termination of circles "Designing and clothes modeling" and "Psychology".


In 11 class I have decided to arrive in Donetsk national technical university. I became the student of chair Tehnology and engineering of inverstigation of deposits of minerals of mining-geolodgical faculty.

Since September, 2004 my student's life has begun. I have moved to a hostel 7. The first semester has flown by quickly and cheerfully … And here time of winter session has come. Fortunately tails has not gathered much, and I have handed over all in time. But already then our numbers have thinned. It can has left a trace in memory and stimulated to study well and all to do in time.

On the second course in January, 2006 I have married, and during summer session, namely on June, 18th, 2006 on was born my son Aleksey.

After passing an examination on bachelor my mean score makes 4.61 - there was a third indicator in group. I have decided to go to magistracy.

When we have suggested to choose teachers who can become our supervisors of studies, I have chosen the professor of our chair Yushkov Alexander Sergeevich. Now under its management I am engaged in researches on a theme "Map drilling of vertical shafts with application of kernometry".

At the moment my private life is already arranged, I bring up the son and I receive higher education. In the near future I wish to protect successfully master’s work and to receive the diploma. And, certainly, to realize the knowledge and abilities on good work.

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