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Ìàãèñòð ÄîíÍÒÓ Àáóñàìàê Åõàá IHAB ABUSAMAK
Faculty: Computer information technologies and automation (CITA)

Specialty: Information control systems and technologies (ICS)

Òåìà: «working out computerized subsystem of forecasting of purchase and sale of medical products in the conditions of Palestinian autonomy»

Leader of master's work: senior lecturer Ghukova Tamara Porfirevna.





Individual task

Report of search

Search made on the master's work:
«working out computerized subsystem of forecasting of purchase and sale of medical products in the conditions of Palestinian autonomy»

For a more detailed study of some aspects of my Master's work was held the following survey: popular search engines on the Internet was given a number of requests, recorded the number of sites on demand systems. The following table presents the results of search on the Internet on the master's work in the following search engines: Google, Yahoo, Yandex, Rambler, Meta and msn.

Searched for key phrases in 3 languages: Russian, French and English in all the search engines. To assess the dynamics of the search engines were searched twice: 14.04.2009 and 24.05.2009. Search results are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively.

Table 1. Results of the search engines on 14.04.2009

Key words and phrases google yandex rambler yahoo meta msn
develop models and algorithms for information system demand forecasting and planning the implementation of medicines 5240 41000 0 48700 9 4210
justification criterion of the effectiveness of decision-making in the management process of the medicines 22200 87000 2 13200 8 7450
influence factors on the demand for medicines 214000 22000 1099 7740000 1000 336000
socio-economic subsystem implementation medicines 13300 2611 20 1090 1 684
the medical market. Medical preparations 317000 1000000 43000 300000 9900 1230000

Table 2. Results of the search engines on 24.05.2009

Key words and phrases google yandex rambler yahoo meta msn
develop models and algorithms for information system demand forecasting and planning the implementation of medicines 5490 39000 0 43500 9 5430
justification criterion of the effectiveness of decision-making in the management process of the medicines 45900 123000 2 12600 8 8320
influence factors on the demand for medicines 918000 489000 4000 7460000 2200 325000
socio-economic subsystem implementation medicines 10300 2980 23 1080 13 541
the medical market. Medical preparations 1510000 2000000 43000 5800000 160000 330000

After the search in the Internet was found a large quantity of material on the topic of my Master's work, which demonstrates the relevance of the topic selected. But along with this, it was found a lot of advertising links that do not contain the necessary information. Some were absolutely useless, because not related to the chosen topic. It can be concluded that when searching in Russian took the first search engines Google and Yandex. The second Yahoo and Rambler, and the third Meta, and Msn. The best result when working with Russian-speaking key words showed three systems: Google, Yandex and Rambler, but has turned more effective search using Google.