The author's abstract in Russian
The purpose of work: to modernize a telecommunication network for Amman, thus to provide granting services of digital telecommunication, access to Internet-resources and additional services of data transmission (video by inquiry, a videoconference, etc.) with the set criteria of quality on the basis of the analysis of reports of data transmission in network АТМ.
In work is solved three primary goals:
1. Modernization multiservice транcпортной networks of Amman on the basis of technology ATM and units of access.
2. The analysis and a choice of the report of maintenance of scalability and QoS networks.
3. Optimization of the traffic in a network on means of optimum routing on base technologies of switching on labels MPLS.
1. Modernization of a network
Company «Jordantelecom-Amman» is the operator of communication (connection), renders services of a primary telephone system, access in the Internet, rent of data links in city Amman. The company has the complex (difficult) structure of telecommunication networks including in telephone systems, consisting of transit and terminal automatic telephone exchanges on settlements, the highways connecting these automatic telephone exchanges, networks of access of subscribers of various types, networks of data transmission.
Accordingly complex (difficult) extensive structure the city network of the company, the employee for satisfaction of internal corporate needs (requirements) has, that is the coordinated work of its employees, a uniform telecommunication database, management of the company and administration of its(her) telecommunication structure and through which also on means of inclusion of external subscribers sale of channels is carried out, services to corporate clients and the population.
Territorially the company covers all large areas of city, and is based on 6 basic transport units. In each area the company is represented by regional representation in which there is a personnel of regional division of the company, and some minor offices of service and the representation, taking place in different offices of city in which the company has the points of demarcation and in which the population is rendered with services offered by her.
In work the attention of modernization of a network of access for maintenance of parameters Qos also is given. An example of the organization of a network of access - the network of area Swuayleh is submitted in figure 1.

Figure 1 – Structure of a network of access of area Swuayleh
2. Maintenance QoS in a network
In the given work on means of the analysis the problem of maintenance QoS of given services with the help of technology ATM/MPLS in which means of maintenance of quality have initially been incorporated is solved.
In modern multiservice IP-networks the listed methods are realized with the help of technologies IntServ, DiffServ and MPLS with use of report RSVP. Everyone has the features and the scope. We compare these technologies by the following criteria:
– a method of maintenance of quality;
– number of served classes QoS;
– the list of set parameters of quality;
– necessity of use of additional reports;
– influence of technology on productivity of routers;
– efficiency of scaling of a network;
– compatibility of the equipment of different manufacturers;
– security of maintenance of quality.
Technology MPLS is characterized by high scalability and examined in quality of the most perspective for transfer of traffic IP.
Report MPLS gives an opportunity of maintenance of value QoS guaranteeing higher safety. Thus for the same set of units it is possible to generate some different virtual networks (using different labels), for example, for different kinds QoS. But it is possible to use opportunities АТМ (procedure setup) if this report is applied in a basic network possible overloads of switchboards is not counted.
3. Optimization of loading in a transport network
Besides maintenance of required quality for telephone loading the question of optimization of loading in a transport network is important. In technology MPLS procedure of aggregation of the data concerning to different sources is stipulated. Thus the aggregated streams are understood as association of the several information streams demanding similar service and having identical requirements to QoS.
The packages following on the same route, are united in classes. If on some sites of a network routes of several connections of a different class coincide - these connections are aggregated. Each aggregated stream forms a new class with the system of labels.
Management of the traffic allows the IP-provider to offer an optimum level of services to the clients from the point of view of a strip and a delay. Simultaneously this technology reduces costs of service of a network.
MPLS represents integration of technologies of levels L2 and L3. Management of the traffic in MPLS is realized by granting traditional means of level L2 to level L3. Thus, it is possible to offer that is achievable only by imposing level L3 on level L2 in an one-coherent network.
Management of switching on labels is based on database LIB (Label Information Base). Boundary router MPLS LER (Label Edge Router) deletes labels from packages when the package abandons cloud MPLS, at enters them in entering packages. The circuit of work with the marked and usual IP-packages is shown on fig. 2.

Figure 2 – Processing of the marked and usual IP-packages
The information on available resources is brought to the notice the interested subjects with the help of report IPG (Interior Protocol Gateway) which algorithm is based on a condition of the channel.
The way of the tunnel is calculated, being based on the formulated requirements and available resources (constraint-based routing). IGP automatically маршрутизирует the traffic through these tunnels. Usually, the package which is taking place through basic network MPLS goes on one tunnel from its entrance point to target.
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